Life in progress

My missing week


It all started Tuesday morning at 2:41am. I was woken from my sleep by one sick little boy. You have to understand that when this kid gets sick, he really gets sick. Stomach flu has, up until now, always landed him in the hospital because of his heart condition; his heart doesn’t do well with dehydration. So after being up since above mentioned 2:41 I took him to the hospital to get him set up on an IV before his condition became critical. Then I learned something new.

They don’t automatically hook up the IV anymore. First they try a very strong anti-nausea medication. So we did that, and after they were sure he would at least be able to handle electrolytes he was sent home.  Five hours later he wasn’t tolerating anything anymore, so back to the hospital. I’ve seen this kid when he’s been in distress, and believe me, I don’t want to go there again. It’s no fun seeing your 12 year old in cardiac arrest.

8:30pm we arrived in emergency again. 3:46am we were called into a room… still no real signs of distress from my little guy but he looked pretty dry having kept down the equivalent of two glasses of water all day – it was Wednesday by then. So we got into a room and he layed down on the bed and went to sleep. I managed to nod off for about 45 minutes sitting up in a chair. Then the doctor finally came in, woke me up, and demanded answers none of which I could remember right away, so she was pissed off. She informed me that they would give him some more of this wonder drug and try to feed him a half hour later, meanwhile they would send him for an x-ray because of his history of bowel obstructions. That was fine. We got back from that and I nodded off again, sitting up – 45 minutes later (an hour and a half after he’d had the drug) two nurses came in with a needle saying the doctor had ordered blood work on him.

“I thought you were going to try to give him water!” I exclaimed, tired beyond belief by this time.

“Nope,” they said. “Just blood work.”

They asked me to hold him still for them while he screamed his poor bloody head off but I was too much of a wreck. I felt sick. So they went about it without me. When I did turn to help they had poked him, unsuccessfully, and given up. Oh, did I forget to mention the discussion they’d had between them where the least experienced of them had offered to let the more senior one try and the more senior said no, you try it. … even though I told them it was difficult to find a vein on him when he WASN’T dehydrated? Yeah, that happened.

Then they left. Without saying a word to me, they walked out. I managed to snag one of them about half an hour later and I asked her what was happening.

“What’s happening with what?” she asked.

“With the blood work!” I said, shaking my head.

“Oh, he struggles too much and we don’t have enough people to hold him,” she said, and rushed away. This was at 6:50am.

I stood up after that, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone who would actually tell me what was going on. At 8:30am the doctor finally came in. She took one look at Alex, who by this time was busying himself getting packed up to go, and one look at me, and declared I looked worse than he did.  Well yeah, after 4 hours of sleep over the course of 48, what would you expect? I was total mush.

I had everything explained to me, finally. His x-ray didn’t look normal so she told the nurse to let me know they were holding his water and giving him blood work instead… but the nurse didn’t. Had they done that I would have been able to tell them he looked better and saved him from being poked unnecessarily. Apparently the doctor had also requested a bed for me so I could get some sleep… Lovely.

So we were sent home.

Then I got sick.

I completely lost Thursday to sleep and, well, bed. There was NO WAY I was going back to the damned hospital.

So here I am. Both of us are better and almost back to normal. So what did I miss?

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

45 thoughts on “My missing week

  1. Oh I am so sorry you both had to go through that. I can actually sympathize with you. My son had leukemia at that age and there was one time we had went to his dr and the dr told me if he spikes a temp take him straight to the 5th floor and have the nurse admit him, so following doctors orders that’s what I did and the nurse wouldn’t admit him and sent us to the ER and ER wouldn’t admit him without a referral. Needless to say we came home and suffered through the night. I called the drs. office the next morning and spoke to his private nurse. She put me on hold and paged the dr, who was already at the hospital and once we got over there another nurse told me the doctor was furious that the nurse didn’t admit my son.


    • That’s terrible. It’s so scary knowing your child is sick but it’s even worse when no one will listen to you. For the most part, in the past, I’ve been lucky enough to live near a Children’s hospital where the staff tend to know that if your child has an underlying condition then chances are you know what you’re talking about. This place though… Ugh!
      Thanks for your comment. I, too, am sorry you had to go through that, but at the same time it’s nice to know you’re not alone, isn’t it?


  2. How awful! I’m glad you’re both feeling better.
    Hospitals are terrible places…usually they make you more sick instead of helping you feel better. Or they just don’t do anything.
    *big hugs*


  3. Glad you are feeling better! 🙂


  4. So sorry you both had to go through all of that. Ugh! But very happy to hear that you are better. Even if you get a bed while in the hospital with someone else, there is no such thing as rest, or nutrition there. I used to spend the 24 hour days with my friend while she got her chemo. It was a bit of an adventure to say the least. But we were both exhausted by the time they let her go home. Hugs to you and your son!


    • Thank you. 🙂
      Going through chemo is the worst I’ve been told, but having to spend that many hours there must have been awful indeed. I’ve spent months on end at my son’s bedside at a different hospital, so I know what you mean about it being difficult to survive. But we do, somehow.


  5. Bloody amateur hour eh? :-s


  6. So sorry to hear about this, Linda. I hope you both are doing much better now. I hope you do write to the hospital and/or your local paper. At least, put them on notice. Although we don’t have free health care in the US, we still have problems such as these, especially lack of communication among medical staff. It can be quite unnerving, especially when you are in crisis. Best to you and your son.


  7. Good to hear that you are both well and good. Hope no more hospital visits for both of you!


  8. Good Grief……Glad you both survived the hospital visit. I think that’s an accomplishment


  9. Glad to hear that you are both feeling better. Take care


  10. We are all still here hon!! I am so sorry to hear what an awful time you had at the hospital…. sounds as bad as it over here on the failing NHS God bless you both and keep you both well !! hugs xx


  11. Don’t you just love the health care system? You’re not, bu any chance in Canada, are you? Cause that’s pretty much how well medical staff communicate here too.


    • Ontario. It’s definitely one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had. For the time I waited in the waiting room I could have driven back and forth to the Children’s Hospital in Ottawa… where I know I’d have had good care. *rolls eyes*


      • Yep. It’s just as shitty in Manitoba. The only time I have not had to wait hours and hours is when I was pregnant with my daughter and having an allergic reaction to something. Otherwise, you’re looking at 6-8 hours, unless you’ve been shot or something, I’m sure. Ridiculous.


  12. I would print this post off and send it to the hospital committee or board of directors – is there another hospital you can go to in the future? This is beyond ridiculous unless you live in a war zone….


  13. Good heavens, that is always a bad situation it’s sad that hospitols often have such really indifferent personnel…I think you did well to write this post, it should have been published on the local newspaper! Glad you’re both doing better!


  14. There isn’t much worse (in my experience) than being powerless while your child suffers.
    I’m glad your both on the mend.
    Terrible story. Awful protocol. Wretched nurses.


  15. Well, just the fact that you’re able to write this must mean you’re feeling better. Good to have you back, I hope.


  16. Wow. Could you write a letter to the hospital?


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