Life in progress

Random News and Kitties


First up, it’s time for a happy dance! My Facebook author page hit 100 followers today! If you’re not already following me, I’d appreciate it if you’d contribute to my new goal of 200? 😀 Here’s the link:

In other news, I decided to go ahead and make another WordPress site. I took the advice of several of my commenters on the previous post and downloaded Chrome so I can keep the two identities open at once. Finding followers is going slow, but it’s infinitely better than at Blogger, where I’ve started writing a parody of sorts. It’s enjoyable for the moment, but with no one reading it, it’s going to get boring. I’m sure I’ll eventually post it here at WP – where it won’t be boring, natch.

So, my new persona. The name came to me as sometimes names do and you just know they’re right; no rhyme nor reason for it. My profile picture is a selfie I took of the back of my neck… which was fun with my sore shoulder. Why a picture of the back of my neck? You’ll see when you get there. I’ve created a twitter account to go along with the blog, just for the hell of it. As it says on the little twitter description of me, “Beware: utters expletives without warning” – there will be more swearing over on my new blog than there is here. To give an example, I’m thinking about doing A-Z April over there with the theme, “A-Z imaginative cusses.” Because I can.

Anyhow, I plan to have fun over there. My address is and my twitter is @izzymorganblog. This may be the only link to the new blog here at Life in Progress (except for the edit I plan to do on my previous post), though I might advertise it once a year as an anniversary thing. There won’t be any links over there to this one. I just want to keep the two separate, but if you comment over there, don’t be afraid to call me Linda. I’m not going to advertise, but I’m not uptight about keeping the two secret from one another. It’s really just a way to keep this blog more professional while having the freedom to write whatever I want, whenever I want.

So what other news is there? Oh! A cat,



or two.



What random post would be complete without cats? These two are boarding with the troll (aka my eldest son) in my basement. They came upstairs for a visit so I thought I’d shoot a few piccies.

See you on the flipside.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

13 thoughts on “Random News and Kitties

  1. Reblogged this on Angie Mc's Reblog Love and commented:
    News from LindaGHill, “I decided to go ahead and make another WordPress site.”


  2. Congratulations on your 100 followers. I’ll follow the new blog as well. Have fun with it.


  3. Can’t wait!! Just signed up!!


  4. Ooooo, awesome. Can’t wait to check it out :-).


  5. Good luck with the new blog Linda 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ha ha. I love that you call your son in the basement the ‘troll’. One of my other blogging friends calls her son in the basement the ‘vampire’. lol


  7. Happy blogging! Great cat photos Linda.


  8. Good luck with the new blog.
    I shall follow.

    Liked by 2 people

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