Life in progress

Writing Random Writing


I’ve been writing. Actually, I’ve decided that it’s about time I turned this writing career of mine into an official profession, and to do that I need to be paid for what I do. To this end I’ve begun to look for writing jobs that are paid. On Friday I submitted a story for an anthology based on fairy tales, or specifically the continuation of fairy tales after the point at which the story ended as originally told. I decided to tackle Alice in Wonderland. We’ll see where that goes.

My current project is to write ten 100-word stories under the category of speculative literature. I thought that with my recent foray into writing 50-word stories, twice that length would be a breeze. I’ve written one so far, nine more to go by the end of the month. Whatever doesn’t fit into the genre (or whatever I can’t get to stretch all the way to 100 words) will likely be posted on my fiction blog.

On the novel front, I’ve decided to have it professionally edited, so the first third of it is off having that done to it. (It’s like a week at the spa!) In the meantime I’m hoping the lovely person who I’ve asked to design the cover (one who might be reading this) is well on his/her way through the reading of my novel. On my end I’m working on the eighth edit of said novel; part 3 of 3 left to go, and then I’ll work on finishing the first draft of the sequel.

With all this writing and editing, by the time A-Z April rolls around I think I’ll need to spend a week getting edited. (If this makes no sense, you weren’t reading closely enough. Go back.)

And that’s my recent news. What are you working on?

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

67 thoughts on “Writing Random Writing

  1. It is the process for me. Getting IT out of my system.


    • It seems to me that the process of writing simply renews itself. The “getting-it-out-of-my-system” part, for me at least, only lasts a short time.
      Thanks for your comment. 🙂


  2. Good luck with your writing! It sounds like it’ll be a real adventure! 🙂


  3. Good luck! It’s funny. I edit manuals in my day job, and I miss tons of things in my own writing. So I understand the need for a good editor. Good luck on the making money part. It seems that writing and photography are challenging fields to make a living off of indeed.


  4. This caught my eye of course. Via your FB page actually!! 🙂 Glad I stopped in. What am I working on? Hmmm… A day job and a night job at this time…the day for a few weeks. The night – permanent… and then, I think I am going to need to hit the books for a while on a few other projects I have yearning to get on the go. I may start with a little break first though, read a book or something. Have not done that in a fair while. (I know this is disgraceful, as writers should be avid readers! Shouldn’t they?? I dunno really! There’s a topic in there somewhere my dear. 😉 )


  5. Congratulations on the choice to have your novel professionally edited. You won’t regret it.


  6. I always wanted to write endings to fairy tales. Prince Charming turns out to be a mean drunk; Hansel and Gretel lied, the woman was just a nice old lady, but they shoved her into the oven anyway; Little Red Riding Hood was a vixen who made up the wolf story so she could get the hunter alone in the woods.

    I like twists on expected endings.


  7. Best wishes with all your endeavors, Linda! I am juggling writing new poems, workshopping and editing older ones, and planning my first collection, thus far in my head rather than in google docs. And I have a bunch of topics I want to write about for my blog. And, I am, of course, way behind where I would like to be. What else is new?


  8. Best of luck with all that writing.. hopefully it all turns into something great for you.

    As for me.. I’m working on getting back to my blog on a more regular basis (couple posts a month really doesn’t cut it lol), while still working on finishing my own novel.. that I started well over a year ago and then let collect virtual dust on my laptop. Here’s hoping I can continue the momentum and get it to the point where I can get someone to edit it. fingers crossed!


  9. Good luck with everything. I would love to know how you get on with the professional edit, as I am just about at that stage and would love to hear what you think.


  10. What is “speculative fiction”?


  11. Wish you all good luck Linda 😀


  12. Best of luck with it all.


  13. Well done, Linda.. I wish you much success with all of your projects. Those 100 stories sound like a lot of fun! Me, just still writing those horror stories this month.. will be doing a Film Noir type WhoDunIt in March.. been doing a lot of research in anticipation of it and watching old Film Noir movies.


  14. Good luck! And keep us updated!


  15. Sounds like you are one busy person Linda. I hope that your writing career blossoms.


  16. Good luck with ‘all’ of it Linda 🙂


  17. Go, Linda! At least you won’t have to take time away from your paid writing to search for missing bloggers.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Oh, wow! So awesome, Linda! Best of luck! 😄👍


  19. Wow! Busy, busy, busy!!


  20. Wow, you’re working on a lot of stuff! I recently decided that I need to get my butt into gear and start getting paid for my writing. My novel isn’t query-ready or agent/publisher-worthy just said so I’m going to give freelancing a shot.
    I wish you good luck with it all! 🙂


  21. Well go girl!Me well I am working on life! Xxxxx


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