Life in progress

Obscenities – #AtoZ Challenge


As the parent of two hearing children I’m cognizant of the need to quell my verbal outbursts when I am not best pleased. I’ve been known, when they were younger, to come out with words such as “schnozzle” after having stubbed a toe, or “fruitcake” having noticed that the thing I wanted to wear hadn’t made it into the laundry. But now that they’re older, and the one child I have left too young to hear the more expressive me can’t hear, I have fewer qualms.

However, (and there’s always a however, isn’t there?) flipping someone the bird after they cut me off in the car remains out of the question. But, (yes, there’s a but as well as a however) there are also accidental signs. Take, for instance, the sign for “very,” which is close to the sign for “fuck.” For “very,” you make a letter “v” (just like a peace sign) with both hands, put the tips of the four extended fingers together and move your two hands away from each other. For a visual, click here: The sign for “fuck” is the same handshape (the “v”) with both hands, except the movement is different. For this sign, the knuckles knock together… the same as the word “meet,” only with that only the index finger is up. A visual for “meet me”:

It’s easy to see why you wouldn’t want to mix either “very,” I had a very good time at the fair, or “meet,” There’a a playdate at the park. I’m going to meet my best friend’s husband there, with the word “fuck.” No matter who you’re talking to. Especially your best friend’s mother.

Saying the right thing around Alex can be complicated. The struggle is real.

My A to Z theme concerns the joys and challenges of being the hearing mother of my Deaf son, Alex. To learn more about his beginnings in life, click here to go to my first A to Z entry.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

27 thoughts on “Obscenities – #AtoZ Challenge

  1. Pingback: My Article Read (4-18-2016) – My Daily Musing | Re-theologizing

  2. Thanks for the videos and the post. Made me smile even though I suspect it can be quite stressful at times. Being a foreigner and having learned another language I know about it. Even though my problem is rather that me saying “head” sounds like “hat” 🙂


  3. I’m just going to leave this here…


  4. You tease, you. Where’s the rest of that last paragraph? Sheesh.


  5. I bet there are moments when you are glad no many see your slip ups as you son maybe laughs uproariously???


  6. I love your humour and your writing, Linda. I have missed that being pressed for time. I can only imagine how confusing and “dangerous” it can be. Years ago, my son (about 10 yrs old) went on a hockey exchange in Boston. He was the only bilingual player. So a teamplayer asked how to say couteau et fourchette in English. He said “fork’n knife” the boy called the waitress over and with his Thick French accent…it sounded like “Can hI ave a fucknKnife please”


  7. I must say telling someone to go f*** themselves in sign has a certain glorious charm to it – but it does rather feel like an abuse of process!


  8. I hope you’re ok with a little though and a little laughter.


  9. Oh man, the confusion! !!


  10. Before I began work in my current field, I threw around audiology/speech pathology. I know this must present a host of challenges. The fact that you’re cognizant is awesome and I’m sure he will greatly appreciate that.


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