Life in progress

#SoCS – Accumulation


When I think of all the things I’ve accumulated in my life, aside from dust-bunnies, the first thing that comes to mind is words. It fascinates me that we can express so much with such a small combination of possibilities. 26 letter comprise our alphabet, but oh, how many ways they can be arranged!

I love the idea of painting a picture with words. I’ve always wanted to be able to produce art. However, even my stick figures are hardly believable as humans. I once found an instruction on how to draw a sitting cat, when I was about 7 years old. I drew that cat everywhere, until I managed to forget how. For a while I had an intense obsession with dragons. Probably around the time I first read The Hobbit. I drew them everywhere as well. I think I stopped around the time I got a tattoo of one. I still love me a good dragon though.

I tend to accumulate books. I can’t bear to give them up, in case I ever want to read them again. In actuality, my to-be-read pile is so high that there’s not likely any chance I’ll get back to them. I can’t imagine how many shelves I’d need if it wasn’t for ebooks. I do still love paperbacks though. Not only are they more fun to collect, they’re easier on the eyes after a day of being on the internet. And writing, of course. Accumulating my words.


This post is part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the link to find out how you, too, can join in the fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

30 thoughts on “#SoCS – Accumulation

  1. Words are fantastic! I try to tell people I don’t see things in pictures… I see words. I’ve never met anyone who understands that.


  2. P.S. congrats (a bit belatedly) on the novelette. I “accumulated” it into my Kindle collection. Love Xav and Jupiter 🙂


  3. Yes! Book accumulators unite! I have actually stopped accumulating physical books, unless there is a real need to have them in paper, like that they are old, rare, different, have illustrations, someone’s interesting handwriting in the margins…you know, all those “compelling” reasons. 🙂 BTW I had no idea you had a dragon tattoo. Cool.


  4. As an aside, Linda, I published a guest post over at Mark Bialczak’s I would be honored if you had a chance to drop by for a read and comment. Thank You.


  5. Books are definitely my favorite thing to accumulate. I’ve limited myself to two bookshelves in the family room, but there are loose books on my nightstand and four bookshelves got bumped up to the bonus room a few years ago. Both kids have enormous bookcases in their room. Plus there’s those boxes in the attic’s storage room with childhood books I want to pass on to my kids…I wonder how many thousands of pages it would all add up to if I tried counting?


  6. I do the same thing with all the books! My accumulations are out of hand, but still I get more. I have plans to go through mine and donate to the library book sale…someday soon. 😉


  7. I’m actively trying to accumulate less but I fail hopelessly with books!


  8. My saddest day will be when I have to give up my books. There are too many to move any more, especially if we go to smaller spaces. ☺


  9. I accumulate books too and hate to borrow anyone.


    • Ah, me too! I see a book in the library that I’m sure I’ll love and I go out and buy it. I know in the past I’ve borrowed ones I’ve enjoyed but then I’m loathe to spend money on them in case I never get around to reading them again. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I like what you say about painting a picture with your words. I used to love art when I could see. Now I do just that.


  11. I see nothing wrong in accumulating books.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Line about stick figures is funny. I accumulate books but have cut down on it. If I buy, I now often buy hard cover because they do not turn yellow and deteriorate like paperbacks. I like words too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’ve never been tempted to read e-books. I like the feel of a paperback in my hands, and there’s something satisfying about turning those pages. I’m with you that paperbacks are much easier on the eyes after staring at a computer screen all day, and I would have no interest in a digital device in my bed with me (um, maybe that didn’t come out quite right).


    • Haha! You’re so funny, CM. 😀
      There are advantages to reading ebooks I’ve found. But it’s like watching a movie on VHS when you could be sitting in a theatre. Something is missing – mostly the experience. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Another accumulator!!!


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