Life in progress

A #SoCS post about SoCS


When I started Stream of Consciousness Saturday, two and a half years ago, I did it because I wanted to write something on the weekends without having to think about it too much. For most people, the weekdays are the busiest and weekends are for relaxing. My situation is the opposite, having the kids home all day. So I’d sit and wrack my brain for a “good idea” of what to write and usually just get stressed while I watched my views plummet. (I’ve always paid attention to numbers, so the views on my blog were a natural obsession for me.)

The whole thing started at the mall, actually. I was sitting in the food court, eating my lunch alone, and wanted to write something. Anything. So I took out my trusty notebook and began. I came home later and transcribed it verbatim on my blog. It was a week or two later that I came up with the idea to let other people in on the fun. And it has been fun, hasn’t it? (This is starting to sound doomed – it’s not.) (Also, I’m going to end another paragraph with brackets.)

I think the whole love affair I have with stream of consciousness writing stems from the way I write fiction best. I’m a pantser, which means I don’t plot. I write by the seat of my pants. It’s a lot like stream of consciousness, because you never know where it’s going. The difference is, when writing fiction you’re in someone else’s head. Someone you have gotten to know by writing backstories and by living with them through their trials and tribulations. Their struggles and their joys. Once I know them well, they carry my mind along… much like my mind carries me along to write what I’m writing now. It’s so completely natural, and that’s what I enjoy about it the most when I read all of your SoCS posts. It’s a lovely, unfiltered glimpse that allows us all to really see how we connect with one another. Because we’re really all the same inside.

Hey! I managed to write a paragraph with no brackets! (So where was I?) (See what I did there?)

I suppose to go back to the beginning, I just wanted to say I still and will probably always appreciate the concept of stream of consciousness writing. It’s an escape inwards. Like an explosion of bodily fluids but without the mess. Fingertip sweat. I should probably shut up now.


This post is brought to you by (if you haven’t figured it out by now) Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the link and join in the fun today!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

11 thoughts on “A #SoCS post about SoCS

  1. Thank you for wonderful prompt! Different views connect to different times in my life. “View”


  2. That is why I love your prompts. I am a pantser too. Haven’t been able to do your prompts lately. I’ve been super busy but I always look forward to them and can’t wait to get some down when things quieten down a bit.


  3. As an aside I have a guest post over at Mark Bialczak’s I would be honored if you had the time to drop by for a read and comment. Thank You.


  4. I began as a pantser. I plot now, but my structure is very open-ended. I definitely leave lots of room for my characters to muddle everything up and make it phenomenally better –

    I’ve written parts of scenes, short stories, essays, even poetry during #SoCS. You had a brilliant idea, and you shared it with all of us – and I have to think you’ve made the world a better place because of it.

    I’ve been around a little less, lately, as I learn my website, worked through a mountain of homeschool paperwork, and dealt with challenges on several levels.

    Not being here so much doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate this opportunity being here at the end of each week, and the chance to get to know you and your family by remote! ❤


  5. Thank you so much for sharing your passion with us.


  6. Happy to be here. Thanks for letting us in on your idea.


  7. Oh yes a fellow pantser here too Linda! I enjoy your SoSC prompts loads!!!!


  8. lovely post, Linda. Like you, I am a pantser too. I love watching a story unfold by giving the characters room to grow.


  9. I am also a pantser.
    I’ve learned larger works require structure. 😦
    Any given day my posts are SoC. Most of them. Not Wednesdays and Thursdays though.
    I’m glad you brought SoCS to WordPress! 😀


  10. I started participating in SOCS almost from the time I started blogging. And I have to say, this is the ONE thing that really helped me understanding what blogging and writing is… Friday evenings always included checking what you might put up and what I might just be able to write. And boy! I surprised myself. Thank you very much 🙂

    I know I have been irregular because of professional upheavals, but I am still writing in my head. Hopefully I will keep participating as and when possible.


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