Life in progress

#SoCS & #JusJoJan 2018, the 27th – Movement


I’ve always wished I was a better dancer. It’s not that I’m uncoordinated–I figure skated for eight years, until I was 16 (though I fell a lot, once cutting myself badly enough with my skate blade to have dozens of stiches), I have a brown belt in Shotokan karate … which I haven’t practiced in ten years or so, and I haven’t broken anything. Yet.

Oh, except for my ribs, but they may have only been cracked. I had this Chevy Blazer, you see. It was back when carburetors were a thing, and I flooded the engine on a regular basis. I got good at taking the lid off the filter and sticking a screwdriver in the top of the carburetor to hold the choke open while I started the engine. One day, I was coming out of my doctor’s office and I flooded the engine. So I climbed out with my trusty screwdriver, opened the hood, and stood, as I usually did, on the front bumper of the truck (it was very high) to do my thing. Got it started okay, but when I went to retrieve the screwdriver, my feet slipped off the bumper and down I went on the hood latch. I basically impaled myself. I managed to get down and rolled around on the ground, screaming, until a nice man helped me up and back into the doctor’s office.

I learned a lesson that day. Which was, obviously, be careful not to stand over the hood latch.

So anyway, I can’t dance. At least not well. Which has absolutely nothing to do with breaking my ribs, but there you go. That’s what Stream of Consciousness Saturday is all about … tangents. Hey, I could have called it Tangent Tuesday instead! Feel free to use that.


This totally tangential post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot it January. Click the link to find all the other awesome posts in the comment section!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

31 thoughts on “#SoCS & #JusJoJan 2018, the 27th – Movement

  1. Pingback: #JusJoJan Daily Prompts – From January 25th, 2018 – January 31st, 2018 « culturevultureexpress

  2. Ouch! I can only imagine the pain! Happy to learn this lesson from the safety of my sofa. (While also noting Bonnie Blue doesn’t have a carburetor.)


  3. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

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  4. Dancing is more solo than singing. I could sing with confidence. I hide to dance or play the piano. Impaling is the thing we should avoid!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t know how to do that carbeurator thing, but I can dance real good if I 1. Dance alone. 2. get to make up my own steps as I go and 3. no one is watching.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I remember those days, that moment when you know you have to get out and pin that choke plate open. Thanks for the memory – I hope those ribs stay in one piece.


  7. Dancing is much safer lol


  8. Pingback: Dust up | wuthering bites

  9. Yikes and big ouch. I think dancing may be less dangerous but who knows? 😉


  10. So long as the lessons are life long and you don’t find yourself repeating them…you have impressive action skills Linda.


  11. Ouch, that sounds so painful. I, on the other hand, enjoy dancing but have only seen figure skating in movies. Give Fitness Marshall on youtube a watch. I dance to some of his videos in the privacy of my home where I can comfortably think I’m an awesome dancer.


  12. Ouch!!!!! :0 Well …thankfully you survived! Enjoyed your post! Hope you have a good weekend! 🙂


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