Life in progress

#SoCS – Smoothie


I have an earworm. The song “Smooth” by Santana and Rob Thomas came on the radio yesterday, and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. My neighbours might have it in their heads too, since I had it turned up when I pulled into the driveway.  It’s so random how some songs get stuck in my head and others are just meh. Whatever.

So summer’s coming, and that means it’s going to be time once again to be tempted by smoothies. The ones at Tim Horton’s with yogurt in them are sinfully delicious. I’d probably consume far more of them if they didn’t give me brain freeze. You know that feeling, right? When the cold goes through your soft palate and takes a grip on your grey matter like it’s being squeezed by a terrifying version of a snowman? Like the one in that movie with Michael Keaton … Jack Frost. Yeah, that’s the one. Scary. Zombie snowmen who hide in smoothies and eat brains. Wow, stream of consciousness … If I start adding food colouring and yummy fruity flavours to my snowmen next year, get me the hell out of there, would you?

Yeah, I’ll stick to Tim’s coffee from now on. Thanks.

I’ve totally forgotten the prompt at this point. Ah well. Or should I say baa humbug?

This off-topic, almost-entirely sidelined post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Check it out, and gobble up some of the fun at the following link!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

15 thoughts on “#SoCS – Smoothie

  1. Very clever. Love the song choice too. Some ear worms are worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You got that whole song in your head, whoa. I was thinking of ‘Smooth Operator.’ It hasn’t got hot enough here just yet. I can’t believe summer is coming soon.


  3. I could change my life to better suit your mood because this post was so smooth.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good response to your prompt Linda! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love a bit of Santana!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Weren’t they selling “Jack Frost” as a love story? Never saw it myself, but it looked creepy.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am with you brilliant tune it eats you up, I just have to dance 💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Santana is NEVER an earworm — ALWAYS welcome. Thanks for embedding it; OF COURSE I had to listen to it. If that song could play in my head all the time, I’d never be sad.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m glad I never saw that movie, but I do like the song. And nothing is off topic in the stream of consciousness. 🙂

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  10. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

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  11. Nicely done, Linda. I think it’s s good thing I don’t like smoothies, cuz I’d worry about those zombie snowmen.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. this is so lovely and great….

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  13. That was a lovely take on the prompt😁😁

    Liked by 1 person

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