Life in progress

#SoCS – Empty – My Whoa Moment of the Week


This is really what stream of consciousness writing is all about, isn’t it? Emptiness.

Every time I’ve thought about writing this post today (and in the end I almost forgot to do it–imagine that), the only thing that has come to me has been the Taoist philosophy on emptiness being useful. A room with no space in it isn’t livable. Take things out of it–make space–and the emptiness makes the room useful.

For a long time I’ve endeavored to, once in a while, empty my mind. The largely western idea of the purpose of meditation–to sit and think about something, or to meditate on something–is the opposite of the eastern philosophy. I meditate to empty my mind. To clear out all the thoughts and regrets and worries for the future–and stress. Because once my mind is empty, I can fill it up with new ideas, better solutions, and calmer thoughts.

So how is writing stream of consciousness about emptiness? It’s a form of meditation. It’s the act of emptying our minds onto the page.

All together now– WHOA!

This mind-blowing-out-the-cobwebs post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the link and find all the post links in the comments!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

12 thoughts on “#SoCS – Empty – My Whoa Moment of the Week

  1. Indeed it is 😛 I enjoy the stream of consciousness prompts a lot! xx


  2. Pingback: Fallen egg – ….Bilocalalia….

  3. Whoa! You know I’m all about space and clearing and good feng shui. That’s definitely why I write. Although when I meditate, it’s definitely to empty and then enjoy the space.


  4. I’ve never thought of SoCS that way, but I do enjoy the challenge and the excitement of seeing where my thoughts are going to flow. I was looking to see if there was an official name (to call you) of people who guide meditation. Apparently there isn’t, however, I found this:

    Practitioners or teachers facilitating guided meditation often encourage participants to document their experience, most commonly in the form of a self-reflective journal or diary.

    Sounds like Linda to me 🙂


  5. One two three four Can I have a little more


  6. Very awesomely true!!!!


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