Life in progress

Three Times Lucky


This post has been brewing for about a week.  Since I can’t sleep tonight, here it is.

It was Tuesday. I know it was Tuesday because I took Alex to his weekly baseball game at 7pm. But it all started on the way to camp in the morning.

I was driving along the main strip during what passes for rush hour in this little city, late as usual. It’s a four-lane road, with two lanes going north and two going south, with lots of plazas, restaurants, car dealerships–you get the picture–on both sides. Anyhoo, I was traveling north in the left lane when I came to a line of cars stopped, waiting for someone to turn left. I was still going the speed limit, so I decided to go around them. I checked my rear-view mirror: absolutely nothing behind me. Checked my blind spot: nothing there either. So I put my blinker on to change lanes.  Just as someone pulled out of a driveway on my right.

Here’s a diagram: (I’m the one driving the purple space ship.)

Mad Paint Skillz Diagram 1

I managed to swerve and miss him, though I’m guessing he really slammed on the brakes. Close call number one.

Fast forward to the afternoon. I’d picked Alex up from camp and we were coming home.

There’s this one little awkward four-way intersection near my house with a two-way stop. I had to stop. I did. I looked both ways. I swear I did. I always look left first, then right, then left one more time because that’s where the nearest cars are coming from. Where the one I almost pulled out in front of that was coming down the street on the passenger side of my car, I have no clue. In my defense, it really is an awkward intersection. It’s hard to see both ways, AND I have this post on the side of my windshield that gets in the way.

Mad Paint Skillz Diagram 2

We both slammed on the brakes this time. And avoided a collision. Still, that was close call number two.

I KNEW there was going to have to be a number three. I just KNEW it. But, I got in the car anyway to drive Alex to baseball. I could have let my best friend, John, drive–he was coming with us anyway, and he’s a professional driver–but I didn’t.

How far from home did we get? About two minutes. Almost the same scenario as the morning, the difference being I was in the right lane this time, and the cars were stopped for a light.

I saw way ahead that there was construction in the right lane, so I decided to go around the loooong line of cars in the right lane. I checked VERY carefully – rear-view, blind spot, rear-view … Before I got a chance to change lanes, I saw a black SUV coming up fast behind me. He pulled the same maneuver I did in the morning–without slowing, he went around me and all the cars in front of me.

I said out loud to John, “Oh well, I guess I’m not changing lanes yet,” and at the same time, John said, “Oh shit.”

What happened ahead of me when I was concentrating on my lane change was this:

  1. The light had gone green.
  2. The black SUV saw this and didn’t slow down.
  3. A car in the long line of cars in the right lane stopped to let someone pull out of the Dairy Queen driveway on the right.
  4. Bang.

Mad Paint Skillz Diagram 3

If that black SUV hadn’t cut me off, I’d have hit the twit who trusted the other twit to let him out of the DQ. John saw it coming before I did, though I might have seen it too because I’d have had my focus front-ways, but would I have seen it in time? I doubt it.

I also doubt the guy who got T-boned enjoyed his ice cream very much.

Close call number three was three times extremely lucky.



Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

31 thoughts on “Three Times Lucky

  1. Well the thank goodness you are all safe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Goodness! What a day! That’s the kind of stuff that keeps me on my sofa much as possible 😉
    SO GLAD you’re okay! Poor twits, poor all of us who trust the twits and let the twits go on their merry way.


  3. While it must be unfortunate for the people involved in the collisions, I am happy you were not in any collisions yourself. It sounds like driving in Canada can be quite dangerous at times. Stay safe.


  4. Alas for the ones who crashed, but hoorah for the ones who avoided crashing! A few years ago, I misread arrows painted on the road and tried to turn into a parking garage right in front of somebody who knew the arrows pointing directly to the garage entrance actually MEANT the lanes turned at the corner. Slow traffic, so no injuries except to the side of my car. And to my nerves.


  5. Driving in London can be a nightmare, the only saving grace is that traffic is usually moving too slowly to do much damage. On motorways it’s a different picture altogether. Glad you stayed safe.


  6. Whew! Glad you’re safe!


  7. Boy, your guardian angel was busy! I’m glad y’all are all safe. However, the collision was not entirely the fault of the SUV driver and twit #1, who was nice enough to let twit #2 exit the DQ. Twit #2 should have also looked before pulling into the next lane. I’ve seen it happen too many times and cops here usually ticket Twit #2 for unsafe movement.


    • It’s likely Twit #2 who was charged with unsafe driving. In the end, if you’re pulling out into traffic, it’s your responsibility to make sure the way is clear.
      Thanks, Barb. 🙂 My guardian angel was definitely on the job.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You hit the trifecta of almost crashing. Thank goodness all were near misses and you are okay. I feel bad for the twit who trusted. Shame on the other twit who motioned him across. Ice cream should be a cure all but not in this case 😦


  9. It does seem the saints were watching over you. So glad you’re all okay. Here we have lots of bad drivers, a lot of oldies like my age and above and some ridiculous four way stops and roundabouts. I am now always a passenger and I trust the drivers that transport me.


  10. I’m so glad you made it though safely. People are crazy out there!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I love the diagrams! Scenario #3 happened to my wife about 30 years ago. She let someone out of a parking lot, thinking they wanted in the lane she was in. They did what your twit did, and took that as permission to cross both lanes – bam!

    Close calls are scary! I hope you guys enjoyed the ballgame.


  12. You need to pay your guardian angel some danger money! Glad you are still with us to tell the tale. Love the diagrams 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Phew! Three lucky escapes!!!


  14. wow! glad I am blind and so cant drive! too damn scary!


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