Life in progress

#SoCS – Noticed?


You might have noticed that I am, once again, late for my own party. Two weeks (has it been two, or three?) in a row I’ve posted a Stream of Consciousness Sunday.  Today’s excuse is all about editing. There’s a new anthology coming out in October that I’ll also (as well as copyediting it) have a story in. Paranormal romance … so exciting!

(By the way, anyone studying this post for grammar mistakes–the rules include NO EDITING for SoCS posts. Don’t judge me by this post.)

This is the raw me. The unedited me. Have you noticed how … conversational Stream of Consciousness Saturday posts seem? That’s what I love about them. It’s that not-being-able-to-take-it-back-once-it’s-out-of-your-mouth thing. (Spellcheck really didn’t like that.) Where was I? Oh yeah.

Wine. Wine is good. I’m having a glass now after a full day of work. I can’t edit and drink, which is doing wonders for my weight sobriety. Not that I have a problem with staying sober. But wine is good, isn’t it?

Speaking of sobriety, I found a bag of potatoes today that was slowly but surely becoming vodka in my cupboard. Only it smelled more like fish. Not a good scent for potatoes, I thought, so they’re in the garbage now. *hic*

Speaking of gross things, my next sip of wine tasted like dish soap. I don’t know if it was the fact that the wine had had a chance to dilute whatever wasn’t washed out of the glass the last time it was washed, but I had to get rid of the rest of it.

So I opened a new bottle. *hic*

Where was I?

Oh yeah. There’s no way I’m going to get my colouring project done for the month of August. So I’m going to be late for that party too. I’ll still post the prompt, but with an unfinished page. I suck.

But wine is good.

SoCS badge by Pamela, at

This *hic* post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday Sunday Saturday. Join in, won’t you? *hic*

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

26 thoughts on “#SoCS – Noticed?

  1. You do not suck. Life happens.
    Preferably with wine.


  2. You can always drink it straight from the bottle, you know…


  3. I thought you were “late” to make sure all of your guests arrived before you 🙂


  4. If we cant unwind time to time then we get all tangled. Open another on me.


  5. No wine but late to the party as well. We went to the Giants game on Friday and I was keeping the word notice in my head the whole time but on Saturday the word left me because I was focusing on making a card for a birthday party we were going to. Ah well…


  6. You don’t have to reveal this if you don’t want to, but I read a bunch of ‘hic’s’ in your post and I was wondering if you were a bit sloshed when you wrote this.


  7. Pingback: Stream of Consciousness kinda sorta Saturday—Notice 8/25/18 – wtf Am I On About Now?

  8. What you said. About the often conversational nature of SoCS. About making phrases into sentences. About the S sometimes meaning Sunday (or even Some Day). About wine being good. Oddly, my typing improves with wine, to a point, then oddly, it doesn’t.


  9. everyone in their own time! )


  10. *hic * enjoy. But you got here and we noticed *titters* good job.🤣😂


  11. We all have times like that Linda! Don’t sweat it!


  12. You are not alone Linda I have not done my #SoCs or finish my colouring project either! bad💜💜


  13. wine! yay! enjoy it! ❤


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