Life in progress

#SoCS – Fingers


Another day, another failure at blogging. In my defense, I had Alex’s birthday party to deal with. Not that I did much regarding that all day, but it meant having to build his new Lego with him after supper. The good news is he’s getting better at putting the pieces together by himself. He’s much more dexterous that he was a couple of years ago.

But I have been working my fingers to the bone, finishing a proofreading job and actually getting some time on my next book. It’s coming along well. I have my plot holes figured out, which is always a good thing. Plot holes tend to slow me down. Knowing they’re there prevent me from moving forward. Good news on that front … it’s all about the fingers. You’ll have to read the book to find out what that means. 😛

The other thing that’s kept me occupied all day is Twitter. I seem to have figured out how to sell books from there, but it’s time consuming. It’s also free, unless you consider that time is money, at least from the perspective of a freelance editor and an author.

I’m still totally motivated, so there’s that.

I’m even thinking about doing NaNoWriMo this year. But only if I can finish my third book in my series before the end of the month.

The Magician’s Soul.

It’s gonna be different.

But the fact that I’m enjoying it means, I hope, that everyone else will too.

GAH! I want to be an author.

SoCS badge by Pamela, at

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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

19 thoughts on “#SoCS – Fingers

  1. Sometimes life takes on, well, a life of its own. So glad to hear you’re enjoying the work on your book!


  2. Linda, I just discovered your bol and stopped by and was taken with your writing. It’s very simple and direct, and honest, it seems to me–good qualities for a writer. So now I can add you to the long list of creative people I wish the very best to.


  3. You *are* an author.

    I don’t like Twitter even more than I don’t like Facebook.


  4. Congratulations on cracking the Twitter code. I can sometimes sell books f2f, but electronically, not so much.


  5. Good job! I bet your books are amazing! As soon as I can I’ll buy one! Xox


  6. The fact that you’re enjoying it is the best part. Keep those (finger) bones moving.


  7. Birthday wishes to Alex. God bless him and his lovely mum.


  8. You’ll have to share your Twitter prowess Kinda! And you ARE a writer!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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