Life in progress

Buy me a coffee?


So here’s the thing.

I have this wonderful deal going on until December 17th, exclusively on Kobo–a 40% discount on my book. It was chosen as one of a handful of books in my category, paranormal romance. It’s really an honour to have been chosen.


Because the ranking is in the tens of thousands (which only means I haven’t sold a book in a while), it’s not being featured on the front page of the sale. The only way it will move up is if it sells.

Here’s the page for the sale: If you look for Paranormal & Sci-Fi Romance, you’ll see my book is not there. You have to look at the whole list to find it. Then, add the promo code DECSALE and Bob’s your uncle.

But I digress.

It would mean the world to me if I could sell a copy or two to get front page exposure. So if you’re thinking about getting The Magician’s Blood, this would be the perfect time.

Don’t have a Kobo account?

When you sign up for a free account, you get $5 off. That means you can get the book for free AND buy me a coffee. Yes, it’s a three-dollar take-a-mortgage-out-on-your-house-because-it’s-Starbucks coffee. But reading the book will last a lot longer. And so will my appreciation … last longer than it takes to drink a coffee …

The Magician’s Blood is currently on page 2. Again, the promo code is DECSALE.

Thank you so much. ❤ I promise, if we ever meet, I’ll buy you a coffee. Unless I meet a hundred of you at the same time. Then I’ll owe you one.



Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

15 thoughts on “Buy me a coffee?

  1. Oh, also, check out my latest post about my recent work! 🙂


  2. Congratulations on the achievement! How exciting for an author to be able to say this! High Fives!


  3. Wish I could but haven’t sold anything since it’s first week. I owe you one 😉


  4. Bought it from the German Kobo site. Code didn’t work but no big busines for a price of less than 5 Euro.


  5. Reblogged this on willowdot21 and commented:
    Let’s all buy Linda a coffee 💜


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