Life in progress

#JusJoJan 27/20 – Razzle Dazzle


To start, I’d like to say thank you very much to Debbie for our dazzling prompt word today! You can find Debbie’s Just Jot it January post here.  Go visit her and say hi, and give her a follow!

Is it just me? Or is it a fact that the older you get, the harder it is to get dazzled by anything? I wonder if it’s cynicism–the belief that whatever dazzles now can’t last.

It’s experience, right?

If we can get old, anything can.

Still, if you know me, then you’ll know there’s at least one thing that doesn’t stop dazzling me, no matter how old it gets. A band that’s been together for 33 years. A band I’ve traveled half-way around the world to see. Japanese rock group, Buck-Tick.

And guess what?

They recorded a whole concert on their “Go on the Razzle Dazzle” tour.

Here’s one of my favorite songs from that tour, with English subtitles, no less.

Tell me you’re not dazzled by this! I dare you!


This totally dazzling post is brought to you by Just Jot it January! Click the following link and join in! It’s fun!

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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

11 thoughts on “#JusJoJan 27/20 – Razzle Dazzle

  1. Wow! This band is new to me! That song is good! 🙂


  2. I can see why you love them! And I’m #sorrynotsorry to say I still get dazzled A LOT, even at 69. It doesn’t take much to trigger what we, in sf/fantasy fandom call my sensawonda. How you can take raw ingredients and made a delicious supper. Blue-tailed skinks! The daily parade of deer across our yard. Wheeeeeee!


  3. A beautiful song. I enjoyed hearing it very much. 🙂


  4. Pingback: #JusJoJan 27/20 – Razzle Dazzle — – yazım'yazgısı (typography)

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