Life in progress

Just Jot it January 2024 – We did it!


Woohoo! We made it through January 2024!

I was amazed that I actually managed to post a response to every prompt this year. Yay for organizers! Mine are proving to be a lifesaver, or certainly a stress-saver.

So? How did you do? Did you post every day in January? Did you at least jot something somewhere? Let me know in the comments, or write your own “I did it! #JusJoJan24 Edition” post, even if you only posted once, and link it back here.

Congrats to everyone who joined in! Here’s your annual participant badge.

Happy February, everyone!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

24 thoughts on “Just Jot it January 2024 – We did it!

  1. I posted almost everyday but filled in with comments. Great prompts! Congrats!


  2. Thank you Linda it’s always a pleasure 💜💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I managed to do one a day if not posted on time I always got there the next day.. Plus I did breakfast a few times and washed up and even fed watered and walked Winston. Thank you Linda I love Just Jot it January. I think I have done then all 💜💜💜💜


  4. Thanks so much for another fun January, Linda! I only joined in on a few, but enjoyed all the responses from others each day! 💞


  5. Pingback: Floundering February | Darswords

  6. Thanks Linda. Yep. I did a JJJ post every day. Hurrah!!


  7. Thanks, Linda! It was great fun. And we had some really fun prompts!


  8. Great job Linda! Thank you


  9. I enjoyed doing this, although I didnt get to visit many people, for which I apologise. It’s called a blog hop for a reason, and I’m not good at hopping at present!


  10. Thanks for running this again this year!


  11. Thanks Linda for another successful year of JusJoJan


  12. Pingback: JusJoJan24 – 2/1/2024 – A good writing month #jusjojan24 – Kaye Spencer

  13. Pingback: Just jot it January, I posted some at least! – Therapy Bits

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