Life in progress

The Sadly Neglected Eclipse-Eve


I wasn’t able to get any photos of the whole blood-moon eclipse thing, but I did get some pretty spectacular pictures of the almost full moon on Saturday night when I was in Kingston.

Pictures from the Waterfront Trail, taken with my phone, untouched but for a little cropping. Click on the images for a bigger picture.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

27 thoughts on “The Sadly Neglected Eclipse-Eve

  1. Pingback: TToT: Faith and a Spinster’s Gratitude List – Harvest Moon, #10Thankful | Her Headache

  2. Great photos Linda. I too could see that full moon, but that blood wasn’t visible here in Toronto, it was a very cloudy night. 😦


  3. It was spectacular…I was able to get on the roof at work for the blood moon and then hurried home and got the bright huge shiny moon. your photos are just stunning!! I never tire of photos on the water.


  4. I am obsessed with the moon and, although I can’t see most pictures, I still know what the moon looks like.
    I didn’t see it the other night unfortunately, but I saw a shot on the news.
    Hope you don’t mind me sharing this post and your photos on my blog this weekend?


  5. Wonderful photos Linda 😀


  6. I like the night photo best. And yes, I did see the little chipmunk.


  7. Lovely photos 🙂 It was pretty cloudy here for the super moon and eclipse. I didn’t think I’d see the moon at all, but it managed to clear up for a few minutes so I could get a few nice shots of the bright full moon, and the start of the eclipse. Then the clouds moved back in. I never got the chance to see it turn red.


  8. The three days before were beautiful. Was camping on a lake, and it just looked magical every night.


  9. Gorgeous, Linda. I love the moon’s reflection on the water 🙂


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