Life in progress



I contacted WordPress support yesterday to find out what was going on with the pingbacks. All the Happiness Engineer was able to tell me is that it’s just me. Everyone else’s are working. Mine are, in fact, not working in either direction – I pinged back to Dale’s site yesterday for the photo challenge and he never received my link.

So it seems WordPress doesn’t like me; your guess is as good as mine as to why. At the moment I’m still waiting for a developer to get back to me. I’m not holding my breath that it will happen before 2am when I post my next prompt, so if you plan to participate in One-Liner Wednesday tomorrow, I’m afraid you’ll have to manually enter your link in my comment section, so I and everyone else will see your post.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Hopefully this will get sorted out before Saturday and SoCS rolls around again.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

45 thoughts on “Pingbacks

  1. I have heard it’s a issue with self hosted sites. I cant create a ping back. You are not alone.


  2. It definitely isn’t just you, mine aren’t working either.
    Also, I’m having a lot of problems loading and commenting on Blogger posts in the A-Z challenge (although a great many of those appear to be links to blogs who are not actually taking part, which is a bit naughty) and I have even seen Blogger users complaining they are having to repost comments manually from WordPress bloggers because they aren’t showing up.


  3. Strange….
    Hope you get things sorted Linda!


  4. Hope this gets resolved soon, Linda. I been through this a while ago. Quite frustating.


  5. I couldn’t comment on Reader – is there a quota for the number allowed? I’m going to ask a really dumb question. What’s the difference between links and pingbacks? Are they the pink coloured boxes that pop up in the Reader at times ? I use the link widget to add what I thought was pingbacks into my posts. Confused….


  6. Every once in a while, the Pingback Pilferer will make its rounds around the Internet with covetous larceny in its heart. Stalking from site to site, it will abscond with Pingbacks placed precisely in its pocket.

    No one knows how the Pingback Pilferer came into existence. Some say it was formed by the loneliest ones and zeros that banded together because nobody else wanted them. Others say that they were forged from the tears of Internet trolls who cried themselves to sleep every night.

    What I do know is that the Pingback Pilferer cannot abide happiness and friendship, and whether it steals a single pingback or a slew of them, it will not be able to linger here for long. Here’s to hoping it flies away soon, Linda.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. It is NOT just yours! Mine didn’t go to Cee’s yesterday! 😦


  8. Grrrr…technology *shakes fist*


  9. Mine never worked. I just assumed it was me!


  10. Mine randomly stopped working a year ago. People can usually ping back to my site, but it’s one sided. My pings never go through when I try to use it and I always just have to drop a hard link in the comments. Mysteries of wordprss.


  11. Mine still don’t work on some other blogs. I still do them, but they don’t show up. I do go into the comments and leave a link, though. It is annoying!


  12. Mine are not working either. Not even the pingbacks to my own previous posts. You can point them to my site if you want to prove that “everybody’s” aren’t working. I’ll make sure to leave a comment on your page for #1linerWeds


  13. Another blogger I planned to write a guest post for has been having wP issues too. Hopefully both issues are resolved quickly. When it works great, but when it doesn’t…


  14. Maybe you’ve reached your ping-back quota?? 😉 ❤
    Diana xo


  15. Apparently you are not alone, a few people have been missing pingbacks lately.


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