Life in progress

#ThursdayDoors – Historic Doors, Kingston, Ontario


During my last excursion to Kingston I took a lot of photos. This house:


luckily, speaks for itself in the form of a plaque right outside.




The front door is no longer in use. On the inside…CAM01581


is the Kingston public library.



Thursday Doors is a popular weekly prompt brought to us by Norm at Norm 2.0. Check out his post (by clicking on his name) and join in!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

11 thoughts on “#ThursdayDoors – Historic Doors, Kingston, Ontario

  1. I like that they re-used the home as a library, one of my very favorite places!



  2. Great photos. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Nice ones. This reminds me that we’re going to have to stop in and spend some time in Kingston one of these days.There’s an awful lot of important history in that area that I should slow down and take a closer look at instead of always driving past on our way to somewhere else.


  4. Oh, what a fun prompt. If I run across any door pictures I’ll be sure to join Love how it was turned into a library. 🙂


  5. Nice addition to the doors 🙂

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