Life in progress

#SoCS – Drink before bed


What am I doing here when i’m too tired to be here? I just came to say I ate so much tonight, I feel like a snake who swallowed an elephant whole. i may not move for the next three days. Also, while i was out, my son was using my laptop and now my left shift key doesn’t work. Which is why some of my “i”s aren’t capitalized.

i usually take a glass of wine up to bed with me, but tonight it will be water. I hope i’m feeling better enough by the morning that I’ll be able to drink coffee.

Here are some ducks and turtles hanging out:

ducks and turtles hanging out

ducks and turtles hanging out

Good night.

This post is part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the link to see how you can join in the fun!

SoCS badge 2015

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

26 thoughts on “#SoCS – Drink before bed

  1. I like the turtle and duck hang out. The turtles appear well organized as they keep their distance from the ducks.


  2. I’ve eaten that much before now… 😉


  3. I like the snake swallowing an elephant analogy. Very funny (and true feeling sometimes)


  4. Sometimes, water is the best thing.


  5. OH! I hate that too full feeling I really hope you are feeling better today!! xxxxx


  6. I like that image of the snake and elephant. It reminds me of the picture in Le Petit Prince who draws a snake with a HUGE bump. I love that book! By today you will surely be a bit better…hope so. and a splitzer may be nice too 😉 It’s gonna be a hot one today, so drink lots of liquids and happy Sunday.


  7. Sometimes there are days like that 😦 😣Fortunately there are also days like this :)😍 Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! 💖


  8. Well I hope you are feeling better today…..and able to drink…something….


  9. Man, that’s a LOT of turtles.


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