Life in progress

Just so you know …



Don’t recognize the little picture in your tab when you have one of my posts open in your browser? That’s because I’ve finally changed my icon from the mannequin in the Santa hat to this selfie, taken in my hotel room in Akihabara, Japan in December, 2015.

That’s cleared that up, then.

Hope you’re having a lovely weekend! Unless you’re on the other side of the world, in which case, sorry it’s Monday.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

29 thoughts on “Just so you know …

  1. Nice to meet you mysterious magical lady 😎 have a wonderful week. 💜


  2. You look lovely, and yes, as someone mentioned, Smart!! I keep hoping to gather sufficient courage to post my real face… I guess if I just did that, but kept the pseudonym, the CIA might not find me 🙂


  3. I always suspected you weren’t a mannequin! It’s nice to see YOU 🙂


  4. That is a good picture, Linda. I remember that trip. Was that when you were seen on the traffic cam in the intersection?


  5. You look very mysterious. You say it’s a selfie. I’ve already made up a story to the contrary.


  6. Revealing yet still incognito behind the sunglasses. The glare can be blinding in those Japanese hotel rooms, though!


  7. I like the photo and that lovely red coat 💜💞


  8. Enjoying the weekend with my great Granddaughter ❤️. Like your new picture!


  9. Cool beans! Japan, eh? Wow neat!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I prefer the newer one🤗


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