Life in progress


Prompt Me Part 1 of 2 – #JusJoJan 2024

First half of the month – January 2 – 16, 2024

I’m looking for prompt words for Just Jot it January! This is your chance to inspire other people and have your blog linked to the Daily Prompt post.

I’ve decided to do this in two parts again this year—Jan. 2-16, and Jan 18-30. I only need 11 prompt words today, so if you miss getting your word in on this post, you’ll have another chance on Sunday, January 17th.

Read the rules carefully! I need 11 single words to use in the Just Jot It January challenge, for January 2nd through to the 16th. This is how you can be included:

  • I’m looking for a single word, plus a link to your blog, plus the name you wish me to use when I post your prompt (your name or the name you blog by). So for example, mine would be “antidisestablishmentarianism Linda”
  • If you write more than what I’m asking for in your comment, for example, “My word is antidisestablishmentarianism, and my link is (this) and my name is (my given name or the name I blog by),” I’ll tell you to try again. Same thing if you try to slip in two prompts, even in two different comments—I’ll only accept the first. If I get the same word twice, I’ll only accept the first person who got to it. If you’re the second, I’ll let you know so you can try again. And please, remember this is a relatively G-rated blog, so nothing too risque.
  • The first 11 comments on this post that include a single word (plus link and name) will be the prompts for the first half of January.
  • These prompts will go up on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 2am EST. I’ll take care of One-Liner Wednesday and Stream of Consciousness Saturday myself.
  • I’ll link back to the blog of whomever gives me a prompt on the day I use it.
  • Make sure you get your comment in early. You don’t want to miss out!
  • Please don’t bother entering a prompt if your blog is inactive or if it exists only to sell things. If you haven’t posted in over a month and you’re only looking for clicks, your prompt word will be rejected. If, on the other hand, you’re planning to use JusJoJan to inspire you to get back into the swing of things, let me know immediately in a second comment — NOT the one you give your prompt word in. Remember, that’s ONE word plus your link and your name only. If I can’t find a reasonable number of posts written in the last month that aren’t trying to sell a product, your prompt word will be rejected.
  • I’ve found over the years that prompt words that are negative in nature don’t get as much participation as more positive words. I don’t want to limit you, but please keep in mind that if your word is on the sadder or angrier side, your prompt may not get as many responses.
  • If you provide a prompt, I encourage you to join in as much as possible throughout the month.
  • Only one prompt per person for the month. If you get in this time, don’t try again next time.
  • NOTE: Please count the number of correctly formatted comments ahead of yours. If there are already 11, save yours for January 17th!

Please see the “Rules” post for a complete list of the prompt words. I’ll populate it as the words come in. Here’s the link in case you missed it:

Okay. Are you ready? Aaaaand … prompt! One word, one link, one name!

We’re done for this round! Turning off the comments. Thanks so much to everyone who supplied a prompt. 🙂


Just Jot it January 2024 – The Rules!

It’s that time of year again! Welcome, everyone, to the tenth annual Just Jot it January challenge. A whole decade! It’s hard to believe.

Just Jot it January, AKA JusJoJan, is a challenge to write a post every day of the month of January. Let’s start the year off with a a blogging bang, and to meet others in the blogging community!

Here are the simple JusJoJan Rules: (If it’s been a while since you read them, please give them a quick scan.)

1. Just Jot It January starts January 1st, but it’s never too late to join in! Here, we run on the honour system; the “jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post, it can even be a grocery list), counts as a “jot.” If it makes it to your blog that day, great! If it waits a week to get from a sticky note to your screen, no problem!

2. I’ll post prompts at 2am my time (GMT -5). You don’t have to follow the prompt every day, but that will be where you leave your link for others to see. You’ll get a prompt for every day except Wednesday, when the prompt is simply my One-Liner Wednesday and on Saturday, when your prompt will be the Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS, which will appear at about 9:30am Friday. Each prompt post will include the rules.

3. Please ping back or link to the daily prompt. To ping back, just copy the URL from the daily prompt post, and paste it anywhere in your post. Check to make sure your link shows up where you want it to, and go back occasionally to see other bloggers’ entries – the more you visit others, the more they’ll visit you! Note: A) The newest pingbacks will be at the top of the comments section. B) Ping backs only work if you’re blogging on WordPress. Everyone else must paste a link manually.

4. Tag your post JusJoJan24 and/or #JusJoJan24.

5. Write anything! Any length will do! It can even be a photo or a drawing – you’re going to title it, right? There’s your jot!

6. The prompts will appear every day that’s neither a Wednesday nor a Saturday–Saturday’s JusJoJan prompt will be Stream of Consciousness Saturday. You’ll find the list of prompts below as they come in, which means I’ll be updating this post. Remember, you don’t have to use the prompts. Please write whatever inspires you. NOTE: If your post is NSFW, do not ping back. Please leave your link in the comments with a warning.

7. If you’d like to, use the JusJoJan badge so that others can find your post more easily.

8. Have fun!

Below, I’ll fill in the prompts as I have them, along with a link to the blog of the person who supplied the prompt if it wasn’t me.

January 1 –  “Train” (me)

January 2 – “Gregorian” from Willow

January 3 – One-Liner Wednesday

January 4 – “Captivating” from Wendy

January 5 – “Penultimate” from Judy

January 6 – SoCS

January 7 – “Curious” from Dan

January 8 – “Gratitude” from Sadje

January 9 – “Pastime” from Di

January 10 – One-Liner Wednesday

January 11 – “Olive” from Kaye

January 12 – “Toast” from Barbara

January 13 – SoCS

January 14 – “Writing” from Joanne

January 15 – “Craft” from Astrid

January 16 – “Variety” from John

January 17 – One-Liner Wednesday

January 18 – “Despair” from Carol Anne

January 19 – “Tenacious” from Cheryl

January 20 – SoCS

January 21 – “Plants” from J-dub

January 22 – “Mood” from Dar

January 23 – “Stoked” from Nicole

January 24 – One-Liner Wednesday

January 25 – “Cheesy” from Yvensong

January 26 – “Atrocious” from Jemima

January 27 – SoCS

January 28 – “Congregate” from Fandango

January 29 – “Family” from Kim

January 30 – “Calendar” from me

January 31 – One-Liner Wednesday