Life in progress


One-Liner Wednesdays and Hashtags

A few weeks back I was delighted to discover there was an hashtag on Twitter – #1lineWed – that I thought would be nice to use for our weekly prompt of the same name here on WordPress. I spoke to the lady who, I assume, came up with the hashtag. It turned out that it was in use as a prompt for writers to post one line of their work-in-progress on Twitter. The “owner” of the hashtag and I discussed it and came to the conclusion that the more the hashtag was used, the more exposure both our prompts would receive. Good for everyone, right?

However, the “users” of #1lineWed have other ideas. I keep getting complaints that I’m using it wrong – that it’s not for me because I don’t participate in the prompt they’re used to seeing. For instance, this tweet (directly quoted) I received this morning:

in case you didn’t know, this # is for writers to share there lines and there is a theme each week.

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not worth the hassle of getting chewed out by people who think they own the hashtag. Therefore, I will be changing the “rules” of One-Liner Wednesday once again.

I’ll take suggestions on a hashtag that won’t infringe on anyone else’s ownership rights.  One that we can share not only amongst ourselves but with the world in general. Because we’re nice like that. Please leave your ideas in the comments below – if there are enough, maybe we’ll do a poll next week and vote on it. 😀