Life in progress

JusJoJan 25 – Can you see it?


Face in Snow

Face in Snow

Can you see the face on the wall? He’s wearing a scarf and a hat.

I’m getting tired of talking about this white stuff, but I did want to share what I saw out my back door this morning.

It’s knee-deep in spots on my paper route.

That’s my jot for now.


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1. It’s never too late to join in, since the “Jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to WordPress that day, great! If it waits a week to get from the sticky note to your screen, no problem!
2. If you write a JusJoJan post on your blog, you can ping it back to the above link to make sure everyone participating knows where to find it.
3. Write anything!
4. Have fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

21 thoughts on “JusJoJan 25 – Can you see it?

  1. I did.. interesting 🙂


  2. I see him apompom on hit hat and dark glasses!! 😀


  3. Yes! He looks a little like Abraham Lincoln (there’s some beard thing happening I feel) 🙂 And what a beautiful photo, with the lamplight still glowing softly.


  4. I love natural art! Seeing him brought a smile to my face; it’s been a sunny winter here in Washington, so little chance of having a visit from Old Man Winter.


  5. Yes, he must be Old Man Winter!


  6. that is so cool, you have a good eye –


  7. Was that some person’s artwork or was it created by the wind?
    For the record, if it has to be cold, I like it to snow. Of course, I don’t spend a huge amount of time out in it like you do. 😉


    • It was designed by Mother Nature herself. It’s gone now – the same wind that made it, blew it away.

      Not sure where you live or how cold it gets there, but if it’s too cold (-30 or below) it doesn’t snow. I prefer the snow to the cold as well.


  8. Yes, I see him. He looks like a “Pickwick” person.


  9. I see him and he’s creepy. 🙂


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