Life in progress

Guess what? More snow!


I’m really amazed at how these turned out. The colour seems to depend on how much light is in the frame when I take the shot. Taken with my LG Smart Phone, through the window; these are basically pictures of where I was standing when I took the photo the other night of the icicles on my house. Taken tonight:

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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

34 thoughts on “Guess what? More snow!

  1. Pingback: The Ice is Laughing at Me | lindaghill

  2. Hey Linda these photos are amazing.


  3. Walking in a winter wonderland!


  4. Nice pics.. had heard from friends and family there in Canada there was more snow coming/already arrived. Seems like there’s been more this year than the past few years. Stay warm 🙂


    • It’s apparently the first real winter we’ve had in the last five years – or in a very long time, depending on who you talk to. Today I had to actually walk on Dundas Street, because the sidewalk was hip-deep. It’s ridiculous. 😛

      Thanks for the warm wishes and the compliment. 🙂


  5. Oh wow!! Add lights and you have a Christmas card photo for this year! 😉


  6. We don’t get to see icicles through a window here at all. I like the one on the bottom because the brighter light shimmers of the icicles where I can see them better. A warmer icy feel, not so eerie. Thank you for sharing.


  7. These are really good pictures. Wouldn’t want to be standing under those icicles if/when they choose to fall though.


    • Thanks! It’s funny you should say that – we get speared every time we open the front door in the morning. The door knocks down the ones that form overnight. Luckily, no one’s been hurt. But we were expecting them to fall, so we were able to stay out of the way for the most part.


  8. So glad we don’t get much of that white stuff here in our valley in Oregon.


  9. A lot depends on the light… great pictures.


  10. Looks eerie and haunting 🙂 I like the first one.


  11. Very nice. I like the dark one (top right) best.


    • Yeah, I think that’s the most natural light of the three had it been daylight out. Right now though, with the city’s lights shining on the snow, it’s kind of orange out there. I wish I could take an unbiased photo, meaning one that my camera wouldn’t decide what looks good.


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