Life in progress


SoCS – When a bell rings…

…an angel gets its wings.

Wouldn’t it be nice to believe Angels exist? I read license plates sometimes as though they are signs from above. Sometimes they make sense right away, sometimes it takes a while to figure out exactly what their meaning is, if there is one at all. I do remember a time…

Back about ten years ago, maybe less, I spent a lot of time wishing for a partner. I often saw license plates that ended with the letters “YTD.” As a former bookkeeper, this did actually mean something to me – “year to date.” But I couldn’t help thinking that it might mean that I was going to meet someone whose name started with the letter “D.” The letters were preceded with a three digit number however. I hoped it wasn’t going to take more than 100 years to meet “D.” As it turned out, it didn’t. He was a very special part of my life, and still is though we’re now far apart once again.

By now you’re thinking “it’s a co-incidence” or “she’s nuts. Run away!” But what if I’m not?

I saw an experiment done once and I found that the results were phenomenal. I’d like you to try it. You don’t have to tell me you’re trying it, you don’t have to tell me how it worked out. It takes a week.

Come up with a word or a number combination, a name… anything you don’t see or hear on a regular basis, maybe even the ringing of a bell… and spend the next week seeing how many times you encounter that word, or name, or number combination, or sound. Let me know if you feel like it how it worked out. If you even remember this at all.

Is it co-incidence? Is it a force telling you that there is, indeed, something out there just letting you know it’s there? Could it be an Angel? You decide.

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Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions