Life in progress


SoCS – Post

I’d like to know what the hell is going on with Canada Post. I received a notice in my mailbox to let me know they’ve been having trouble delivering my mail of late because of “unsafe access.” Apparently in order for me to get another piece of mail delivered to my house, I have to either install a railing up my stairs or move my mailbox to the bottom of the staircase in question:


Looks dangerous, doesn’t it? It’s approximately six feet wide and in excellent condition… in the 67 years my house has stood the mailman has managed, somehow, to navigate my stairs safely. Even in the winter – imagine that! But now, as of yesterday, it has been deemed unsafe.

On top of this–in my opinion–unreasonable demand, I’m told that if I don’t fix the “problem” they will deliver my mail to a depot across town and charge me for the service.

I priced a new set of railings a few years back and was astounded to find the company I contacted wanted somewhere in the vicinity of $5,000 to install a new set of iron railings. Tomorrow I’m nailing a mailbox to my hedge. And if I do eventually get the railings put in you can bet I’ll be staking out the front of my house every day… and the first time I catch the mailman going up the stairs without holding on, I’ll be sending a bill for $5,000 to Canada Post.

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