Life in progress

Gotta make a decision


January is almost here, so I think it’s time to decide whether or not I’ll run “Just Jot It January” (JusJoJan) again this year. It’s been quite a success for the past two years running, so it seems a good idea to keep it going.

For those of you not familiar with it, JusJoJan is a challenge to write a blog post, whether a thousand words or just a few, every day in January. The benefit of joining in is that you can link your post to mine so more bloggers find and read yours. It’s a fun community event during which I and many other bloggers have made friends and gained followers.

So my question to you is this: are you up for it? Let’s see a show of hands!

JJJ Part 2015

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

55 thoughts on “Gotta make a decision

  1. Reblogged this on Mysticalwriter.


  2. I would probably participate in the mode I did last year, which was to link here on days I posted, which is highly unlikely to be every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think I’m going to give it a go this year! My WeeBitWordy Blog posts have been few and little this December, so I want to get the traffic flowing again for the New Year! I’m barely getting one post a week out there at the minute!


  4. If Dan Antion will read ’em I’ll write ’em


  5. Ok I will give it a try!!


  6. Pingback: To Do or Not To Do Tuesday: Week 8 (sort of) | Container Chronicles

  7. Reblogged this on CELONA'S BLOG and commented:
    Are you ready??
    ‘Cos I am so ready for this challenge fam
    It’s “Just Jot It January” (JusJoJan)
    Check it out 😉

    So I would doing reblogs on a platform where Expressions Meet Reality with a preferred style I tagged “ink on sheet”

    Anything Creative, inspirational, Motivational, with an attitude of laying Bare truth and raw emotions is welcomed!
    Let stretch hands of support and love together.

    And if your preferred platform is facebook join us at #Okpere’s; Circle

    Please edit this post, and add ‘Celona’s Blog’ to your tag list and shoot the post again.. it helps you and me grow 😉



  8. 👍 I’m in!


  9. I enjoy reading the posts, but I tried to do this last year and failed. I can’t manage to write everyday in a quiet month, and January is a very busy month at my day job. I’ll try to support the folks who participate, but I won’t be part of the “fun” 😦


  10. Oh well, you’ve done it now haven’t you? You’ve invited me to take part in something new, you know I can’t resist.
    So I can write any old rubbish, every day in January, that’s it?


  11. I would like to have a go Linda 😊


  12. I would love to do it. I lack a bit of discipline when it comes to these things, but hey, January is a new year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’d love to participate Linda. 😃


  14. I’m in. I think. Probably.


  15. Sounds like a good challenge. I’m not sure I’ll be able to post everyday. If I manage to get back to work, I probably won’t have internet access, but for now I’m home so I’ll give it a shot.


  16. I’m blogging every day anyway, but can I still join in?

    Liked by 1 person

  17. You can count me in! Sounds great!


  18. I scribbled away last year in my notebook even though it did not make it to the posts… I know this year posting is ruled out, but maybe JusJoJan is what will get me out of my laziness and give me the much needed shove to write regularly again 😀


  19. I’m in the process of coming up with my blogging schedule, so I just might throw my hat in the ring. Looking forward to meeting some new bloggers. 🙂


  20. Raising hand, sounds like fun and I usually post every day.


  21. Leeeeeeeeeeeets freaking do it! XD


  22. As much as I would love to be able to do a post every day, I just don’t have it in me. I’m lucky if I can come up with something once or twice a week. I’ll have fun reading and commenting on everyone else’s posts, though.


  23. I think I know what my “To or Not To Tuesday” is going to be tomorrow. 😀


  24. I am traveling, so blogging in company is not optimal. I would like to read what others write though, and maybe even submit as many articles as I am able.

    Liked by 1 person

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