Life in progress

#SoCS – Thank you


It’s been a while since I said thank you to all of you who visit my blogs, and all who participate in my prompts. When I started out, I said thank you in the comments of every participating post. Then I figured eventually everyone must be getting sick of saying, “You’re welcome,” so I stopped.  One thing I haven’t meant to stop doing is visiting every post that’s linked on the day it’s posted, but I have. And I regret it, but I haven’t been able to keep up.

Truth is, I’ve been pretty tapped lately. Between the kids and all their issues, my mother who is losing it a bit more every day, problems with my house, the puppy, trying to edit my books, trying to actually get off the couch to stop the spreading of my ass, housework, appointments, shopping, endless paperwork for my kids’ services that never seems to get done… oh, and blogging. But the thing is, THIS is important to me. It feels as though it should be at the bottom of the list, but the truth is this place is one of the main things anchoring me to sanity. It’s the only writing I do, and I need to write.

And what’s wonderful about my blog that isn’t true of writing novels, is that I get to talk to all of you. You who inspire me. You who keep me going. You all who never ever let me down, who I can count on to make me smile.

So again, thank you for being here. Thank you for making my prompts a success. Thank you for your support.

SoCS badge 2015

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

52 thoughts on “#SoCS – Thank you

  1. You’re welcome! Hang in there…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know exactly how you feel Linda. Life has certainly been holding me down too as you know. It’s a struggle to keep up, but I look so forward to coming to my comfort zone (my blog) when I can, and words of encouragement in tough times from the friends here we spend most of our daily life with in our writing and blogging world are a real comfort. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad you feel anchored here. While I don’t take part I’m the challenges I enjoy reading your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’re welcome 💗 I pop in now and again. Thanks for your prompts and thoughtful posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are a bright light in the blog world. I don’t participate in prompts as yet, but when I do…☺

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you, Linda, for continuing to give energy and thought each week to the prompts. As we have discussed before, your time is valuable, and you can keep me on the list of those who are optional in your visit schedule. I so enjoy SoCS and do think of you every week. BTW spreading ass is one of nature’s cruel jokes.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for keeping the prompts going and for working with WordPress on the pingbacks and all the other stuff you do to give back to the community, Linda. I don’t do SoCS every week, but when I do, it’s so much fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. And thanks to you, too, Linda. Even though I don’t often participate, I do appreciate your prompts. Like you, I have to juggle a few things (not nearly as challenging as yours), so I have to walk a line with my blog(ging). Sometimes I wished I blogged about blogging, but I don’t. It’s a mercy at the moment as over the last while, I’ve not been able to pay as much attention to my blog as I’d like. So, do know that you too, are appreciated and I wish you strength as you get through this difficult patch.

    PS – Sometimes it’s necessary to be on that couch…don’t be too hard on yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I know exactly what you mean. I follow new blogs practically every day, despite the fact I already can’t keep up with the posts of the ones I already follow. But I do a random sweep of the reader occasionally and try to look at as many different blogs as I can. I find it easier when there is a “follow by e-mail” option, that way, I get a reminder each day, so I can check them all at once.
    I really appreciate your hard work and involvement with the wider blogging community, it’s prompts like yours that make WordPress the interactive, inclusive and friendly place that I’ve come to expect, so you’re doing a valuable service.
    Keep up the good work (when you have time).

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You have an awesome blog and your challenges make me a more creative writer, so really I should be thanking you!


  11. Linda – you’re welcome!
    I one knew a man in Beirut whose English was far more than acceptable, except for a few idioms. He took my family and me for lunch one day, and after we had thanked him profusely, he responded with what I’m sure he meant as “You’re all most welcome”, but it came out as “You’re almost welcome.”
    Funny how something like that can stick and become a family ‘thing’, isn’t it?

    Keith Channing A-Zing from


  12. It is lovely if we can to take the time out to say thank you but as our blogs grow and life makes more demands it can’t always be done. I think by taking the time to explain to people why you may not be able to be so personal with each person is good enough. It helps people understand. I missed the Ta. SOCS . I loved doing the the ha one. people get a lot out of it too. Otherwise they wouldn’t come back and participate 🙂


  13. Thank you Linda for doing what you do!
    I know what you mean, Blogging keeps me sane. Even if I’m totally shattered I make time for the interactions on here because they do mean so much!


  14. Thank you!
    Where would any of us be on Friday night/Saturday?
    You keep the rabble rousers busy at the key board.
    You prevent anarchy.
    You make me smile.
    So do your friends. 😀
    Tapadh leat


  15. ha….ha good thanks for you…


  16. I was planning to drop you a comment, and then you showed up in my A-Z bracket! So, this is a twofer visit at the tail end of a busy day of being out and about on my own (Whoa – whole new world, opening up!) and picking up my girl from a sleepover and birthday party, then coming home to use your prompt to write a T post that’s amazing, and which I wouldn’t have, otherwise.

    So thank you, to you, my blogging friend. I don’t visit as often as I wish I did, but you never have to feel obligated to stop by my place. Take care of those boys, and you, and I’ll be happy. =)

    But, in case you get a minute, and want a TnT fix…

    Boldly Going Through the Alphabet!
    Part-Time Minion for Holton’s Heroes
    shanjeniah’s Lovely Chaos


  17. Its what we do Linda because we love you……how often do you hear that said to you……just think if the opposite were true and we hated loathed and despised you, you’d be some bitter and twisted old crone by now instead of the beautiful woman we have helped turn you into…..aren’t you just the luckiest person……


  18. What a great blog! I don’t remember how I first found your blog, it may have been in reply to a comment you left on mine. But whatever it was, I’m thankful we are blog friends so thank you comes right back to you.


  19. From my perspective you don’t have to thank me – anyone who chases me down and knocks at the door when I can’t be found deserves my thanks. Thank You Linda for Being You.


  20. Isn’t it funny how its so easy to drop as unimportant the things that keep us tethered, that give us energy (even if they drain it too)? So easy to take on our culture’s dumbass views on what’s important, what’s humane and what isn’t. Keep on writing!

    (Says me who doesn’t write near half what I wish to. I have MECFS, limited energy, and a big bag of guilt from having 3% of the independence I want. I resist writing, but it gives me energy, releases me from all that stuff, nakes me feel free. Funny, isn’t it).


  21. This is true. Why I haven’t given up blogging like so many others. I have a dying laptop, thing which surprisingly, just a few years ago, is now tying me to the connection with others. It is hard, but I make it stretch and this SoCS thing is important, so I am writing shorter stream posts than I normally do. My VoiceOver is only lasting for brief spurts of time lately.


    • It’s so frustrating when technology fails us, isn’t it? Alex’s laptop is on its last legs and his brother, Chris, needs a new computer too. Both will be lost without them. The expense never ends.


  22. i love the connections made in blog world, they are what keep me going )

    Liked by 1 person

  23. And thank you for hosting. Hope things ease out for you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I agree with you–and it’s always nice to find a reminder of why I blog. I hope some of the stress you’re under is soon relieved.


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