Life in progress

#ThursdayDoors – Doors that aren’t, Kingston, Ontario


On a recent visit to Kingston, Ontario, I was wandering up Ontario Street and decided to take a picture of what used to be a building between Earl Street and William Street. After doing extensive research and finding nothing in the history sites of Kingston, I think I’ve figured out it was either a shed, or more likely a stable that was demolished sometime around 1953. It could have been a house or maybe servant’s quarters, but it wouldn’t have had road frontage. I found a map that dates back to 1865, with a slider that morphs the map up to 2013. Now, the wall faces a parking lot behind the houses on the two above-mentioned parallel streets. Here’s the map: It’s actually really really neat. I found the streets by their names in the 1865 version of the map. Grab the map and move it right and up slightly, so you’re moving south west – the block you’re looking for is right at the letter “A” in “ONTARIO.” (Note: Ontario Street runs parallel, and closest, to the water.) You can zoom in once you find the right block (the +/- button is at the top left of the map). You can see the building there before 1953, but it disappears at about ’53 and then shortly after, the wall appears as a white line in the middle of the block, running parallel to Ontario Street. It’s the wrong colour to have been the the above-mentioned building, but on close inspection I can’t tell what else it could possibly have been.

I’ve always had an interest in ruins. They cause my imagination to go in both conceivable and inconceivable directions. Next time I’m in Kingston, I plan to visit the library or the town archives to see if there’s any information on what this might have been. In the meantime, I’ll allow my imagination to play.

doors1 (1)

Please forgive the odd angle…


...this was as close as I could get.

…this was as close as I could get.

I’m so happy and excited to finally be participating in this prompt. Kingston is just a two hour drive from where Norm took his Thursday Doors pictures. Check out his post (by clicking on his name) for the prompt and join in!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

26 thoughts on “#ThursdayDoors – Doors that aren’t, Kingston, Ontario

  1. the photo in the reader feels like a photo prompt – and I like this kind of stuff too –
    peace and happy Friday


  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of doors! I enjoy ruins, too.



  3. I love photos of ruins, too. That map is so interesting, I was playing with it for ages. The zoom was great fun and showed up so much detail.


  4. Pingback: A long time gone | Little steps to Somewhere

  5. Yay we’ve another convert; one of us…one of us…one of us.
    Welcome aboard 😀
    I’m not sure what that building could have been, but you’ve sure piqued my curiosity.


  6. Is there a local college or university with an archaeology department? They might know what the building was. If not, they might be able to find out. Local history is very important, and you might have stumbled across a place of significance that the town might not want to get rid of.


  7. Glad to have you join us door addicts, Linda. I look at those photos and start imagining all kinds of things. I’m guessing manufacturing or something like that. Lots of stuff going on on the main floor and lots of windows at the top for light. Of course, all the old mill buildings I’ve ever seen had windows everywhere. If you follow-up, be sure to let us know.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Me too! I’m more likely to take photos of tumbledown ruins than of friends and family – especially now that the Kid is a teenager and camera shy.

    Liked by 1 person

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