Life in progress

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS April 4/2020


Friday is here and what difference does it make? Well, Friday means it’s time for your Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, so there’s that. I’ll be sure the prompt word lines up with the A to Z Challenge every week in April, so if you want to do a two-in-one, this is the place to be. Here’s your SoCS prompt for this week:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “deep.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

After you’ve written your Saturday post tomorrow, please link it here to this week’s prompt page and check to make sure it’s here in the comments so others can find it and see your awesome Stream of Consciousness post. Anyone can join in!

To make your post more visible, use our beautiful SoCS badge! Just paste it in your Saturday post so people browsing the reader will immediately know your post is stream of consciousness and/or pin it as a widget to your site to show you’re a participant. Wear it with pride!!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

Here are the rules:

1. Your post must be stream of consciousness writing, meaning no editing (typos can be fixed), and minimal planning on what you’re going to write.

2. Your post can be as long or as short as you want it to be. One sentence – one thousand words. Fact, fiction, poetry – it doesn’t matter. Just let the words carry you along until you’re ready to stop.

3. I will post the prompt here on my blog every Friday, along with a reminder for you to join in. The prompt will be one random thing, but it will not be a subject. For instance, I will not say “Write about dogs”; the prompt will be more like, “Make your first sentence a question,” “Begin with the word ‘The,’” or will simply be a single word to get you started.

4. Ping back! It’s important, so that I and other people can come and read your post! For example, in your post you can write “This post is part of SoCS:” and then copy and paste the URL found in your address bar at the top of this post into yours.  Your link will show up in my comments for everyone to see. The most recent pingbacks will be found at the top. NOTE: Pingbacks only work from WordPress sites. If you’re self-hosted or are participating from another host, such as Blogger, please leave a link to your post in the comments below.

5. Read at least one other person’s blog who has linked back their post. Even better, read all of them! If you’re the first person to link back, you can check back later or go to the previous week by following my category, “Stream of Consciousness Saturday,” which you’ll find below the “Like” button on my post.

6. Copy and paste the rules (if you’d like to) in your post. The more people who join in, the more new bloggers you’ll meet and the bigger your community will get!

7. As a suggestion, tag your post “SoCS” and/or “#SoCS” for more exposure and more views.

8. Have fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

44 thoughts on “The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS April 4/2020

  1. Pingback: Deep thoughts drive me to simplicity – Quaint Revival

  2. Pingback: #SoCS-Deep, #WDIIA, #Ato-Z-D, #Camp NaNo–Saturday, April 4/2020 | Darswords

  3. Pingback: Shadows of the Deep – Very Important Stuff Here

  4. Pingback: SoCS: April 4th 2020 – ~Deep~ – jaquintinwriter

  5. Pingback: AtoZ/What Day is it Anyway? #SoCS Edition Saturday, April 4th, 2020 |

  6. Pingback: A to Z challenge and SOCS – JP the Wide-eyed Wanderer

  7. Pingback: Deep: SoCS | revivedwriter

  8. Pingback: Going Deep – Debbie Gravett

  9. Pingback: We are in Deep in the Trenches…SOCS – For the Love of

  10. Pingback: SoCS — Deep Doo Doo – This, That, and The Other

  11. Pingback: SoCS – Danger, Will Robinson, danger! – Riddle from the Middle

  12. Pingback: Take a Deep Breath – Ruth Blogs Here

  13. Pingback: #SoCS 4/4/2020 – Deep | My Rattled Cage – What has me rattled today?

  14. Pingback: The Unknown – Deep | Susan's Place

  15. Pingback: #SoCS: Affirmations and Acknowledging Feelings | Anything is Possible!

  16. Pingback: SoCS – Let’s Go Deep – From Cave Walls

  17. Pingback: Lockdown in South Africa – Day 9 – Adventuring into Retirement

  18. Pingback: The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS April 4/2020 | willowdot21

  19. Pingback: SoCS – Deep – The Bag Lady

  20. Pingback: Lockdown Day 9 Deep | Coffee in the Rain

  21. Pingback: The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS April 4/2020 – theindieshe

  22. Pingback: Quaranfeline | Accidentally Inspired

  23. Pingback: SoCS: looking for meaning – Top of JC's Mind

  24. Pingback: Now That’s Deep | Light Motifs II

  25. Pingback: #SoCS for 4/4/20 ~ “Deep” – J-Dubs Grin and Bear It

  26. Pingback: Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Prompt “Deep.” | Fiction Favorites

  27. Pingback: Shaken Never Stirred – #SoCS – No Facilities

  28. Pingback: SoCS – lockdown makes work for idle hands –

  29. Pingback: That’s Deep #socs – The Sound of One Hand Typing

  30. Pingback: Go Deep | Notes Tied On The Sagebrush

  31. Pingback: SoCS April 4th / 2020–Deep – Paperkutzs

  32. Pingback: Stream Of Consciousnesses Saturday 4 April 2020 – Keep it alive

  33. Pingback: current status | Does writing excuse watching?

  34. Lots to feel deeply about these days, that’s for sure! Here’s mine:
    Stay well!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Pingback: Go Deep | Na'ama Yehuda

  36. Pingback: My 35th SOCS Entry: Deep | queennandini

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