Life in progress

#SoCS – Medicine


Ain’t no medicine taking away the pain tonight. Strangely, most of the pain is in my arm rather than my frozen shoulder at the moment. I dunno.

I went to the hospital tonight for my weird-assed 9pm on a Saturday appointment to get an x-ray. I had to go through the emergency department to get there. There was one person in the waiting room. At 9pm on a Saturday, in the only hospital in a city of 50,000 people. Apparently that person and me were the only ones not having fun tonight.

The good news is I got in and out of there so fast, I didn’t have to pay for parking. My car was in the lot for 18 minutes–2 minutes short of having to pay $4. Woohoo!

Man, I know how to live it up.

So I’m going to keep this short because my arm is killing me.

Have a good one, my friends.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

This kick-ass post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Find the prompt here and join in!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

32 thoughts on “#SoCS – Medicine

  1. Get well soon! And woohoo no paying for parking! Man you got lucky there girl! xoxo


  2. I hope the x ray gives some clear info to help with healing. It’s going to get better.


  3. I’ll add my two-cents to the hope your pain goes away soon. I’ve also been spending some time in hospitals. Par-tay!


  4. Hope you get healed up soon. Here–I’ll hug you on your good side only. HUGS


  5. Hope you get some relief soon. Sounds like physio could help.


  6. Hope the pain goes away soon. Take care.


  7. Ouch! It sounds like perhaps a problem with your Rotator Cuff – can be quite painful – relief comes with a cortisone shot and physical therapy.
    Wow – I think your visit sets a record for time in – time out (even doctors’ visits take longer).
    I hope you feel better soon. 🙂


  8. Going to hospital can be a little easier these days, but scary. I really hope that that they can sort you out soon. Pain and lack of sleep are not good, I do know.💜


  9. 18 minutes? That has to be some sort of record, Linda. I hope the results lead them to a solution. I’m sure you’re ready to move on from being in this pain.

    I hope you have a good Sunday and a less painful week.


  10. that sounds really painful, hope it begins to feel better soon. i’m glad there were at least some positives to make your appointment easier.


  11. Ooof, that sounds really rough. The pain in your arm could be referred pain – not that it helps with the pain, I’m sorry. I hope you get some relief soon, pain makes life so much harder.


  12. Hope you are feeling better soon.


  13. Hope you feel better soon.


  14. Ow! I hope you are feeling better soon. But, yeah, nice that treatment was so speedy!


  15. Hope you get some relief soon. Woo hoo about the parking, that’s awesome.


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