Life in progress


#SoCS – The Word I Hate the Most

There are a few words that get on my nerves and leave a bad taste in my mouth. No, “bitter” is not one of them. But the one word I really hate? The one I absolutely detest?

It’s the one I can’t remember.

The one that gets stuck on the tip of my tongue and I just can’t spit out.

Like the one I couldn’t remember tonight. It’s the word(s) for the old stripey colored thing you used to get on the TV when there was an emergency or when the station went off for the night. You know. The thing. The … coloured thingy.

(Do you remember what it’s called? I’ll tell you at the end of the post. Because if I had to suffer, so will you. Haha.)

Stephen King said once, or maybe a million times, that writers should never use a thesaurus. I’m sure at the time he said it he never had a word he couldn’t remember, because that’s a good 99% of the only use I have for one.

I’m not looking for a better word. I’m looking for THE word.

You know, the one I’ve forgotten.

Like test pattern. 😉


2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

This frustrating post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Find the prompt here and join in!