Life in progress


Adventures on my Paper Route – Phew, all is well

It seems the man-eating daffodil from last week didn’t eat the neighbourhood feral cat after all.

Thomas the feral cat

Thomas the feral cat

The kids call him Thomas. I don’t know if anyone has actually been close enough to pick him up to see if he rattles; maybe he’s more a Thomasina. Here s/he is picking through the remnants that the garbage man left on the side of the road. Many of the neighbours leave food and water out for him/her, but I guess old habits die hard.


The daffodils are doing well so it seems spring is, in fact, here.

Stalking daffodil

Stalking daffodil

You can see the dangerous daffodil in the background on the left in this picture. I still don’t trust it.