Life in progress

JusJoJan 17 – One Lovely Blog Award



I am so very very far behind in accepting the awards I have been nominated for. Busyness and laziness are my excuses, though not necessarily in that order.

I feel I must accept the ‘One Lovely Blog Award,’ however, without delay, as it was presented to me by the lovely Ursula at An Upturned Soul in a post dedicated to me alone, as she has decided to have a separate post for each of her nominees. Ursula is a talented, wonderfully expressive writer, a courageous Narcissist Slayer, and an amazing artist and photographer, not to mention a kind, and generous person. I urge everyone not only to check out and follow her blog, but to see all she has to offer on Tumblr, DeviantArt and Pinterest.

Thank you so much, Ursula, for this wonderful award. I am truly honoured.

The rules of this award are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Nominate 15 bloggers.

4. Notify the nominees.

5. Put the logo of the award on your blog.

Seven things about myself that I may not have mentioned. Hmmm…

1. I love listening to music on vinyl. I have many of the albums I bought as a teenager, and a twenty-four year old turntable to play them on. The last album I bought before I started purchasing CD’s was “Love at First Bite” by the Scorpions. The first rock album I ever owned was “Frampton Comes Alive.”

2. I’m scared of Macs – I have owned five HP computers and a dread the day my Autistic son, Christopher, says to me that his MacBook is broken.

3. I have daddy longlegs living in my basement and I don’t kill them because they eat spiders – and I hate spiders more than daddy longlegs.

4. I love looking at the work of talented photographers almost as much as I love listening to a great guitar riff.

5. Speaking of great guitar riffs, Brian May is my hero.

6. I’m dying to go back to Japan. (I might have mentioned that at some point.)

7. Apart from going to Japan, my idea of an ideal vacation is sitting on a beach under a palm tree, reading a book.

Okay! That wasn’t all that difficult.

Now on to my nominees. Now THIS is going to be hard. There are so many lovely blogs out there!

In no particular order, here are the lovely blogs:

1. Sue at It Goes On

2. Pamela at Poetry by Pamela

3. Myas at Myas – A Tragic Lady But No TB

4. Belinda at Idiot Writing

5. Joey at Joeyfully Stated


7. Cindy at Dreams In Alaska

8. Samokan at Maniniyot

9. Willow at Willowdot21

10. Paul at Paul Davis // My Creations, Life and Musings

11. Bruce at A Story A Day

12. Ian at ianstarttoday

13. Kevin at

14. Paolo M. at The Pirate Horizon (an adults only site)

15. Opinionated Man at A Good Blog is Hard To Find

Congratulations to all the nominees. I understand that some of you may not accept – more than anything I want to highlight your sites and encourage everyone to visit. These are some amazing blogs!!!


Post on your site, and join Just Jot it January. The rules are easy!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

75 thoughts on “JusJoJan 17 – One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Pingback: “One Lovely Blog” Award Nomination! | Some Kernels of Truth

  2. Pingback: On awards | It Goes On

  3. Congratulations! You deserve all those awards. 🙂 (It took me forever to get down to your comment box with all your friends. :D) I especially loved the one about the daddy long legs. 😀


    • Thanks very much! I have accumulated a few friends here – it’s a nice feeling 😀
      Yes, I’m trying to make friends with the daddy longlegs in hopes they don’t eat me too. hehe


  4. Your daddy longlegs story reminded me of the centipedes I’d lived with. Watching them move gives an eerie sensation. Don’t miss them.


  5. thank you for recognizing my blog, Linda! And congrats on your award. I always enjoy reading your lovely writing about your kids.


  6. Many many congratulations 🙂


  7. Congrats, Linda! Way to go :).


  8. Speaking of Japan… I keep reading JusJoJan as JuJoSan 😉


  9. Thank you for the lovely words and promo 😀

    Oh… The Scorpions on vinyl… brings back loads of ‘fun’ memories of my teenage years!

    And Japan! Yes! What about a sitting on a beach in Japan reading one of those books which has all those wonderful Japanese tales about boys born out of peaches and girls who turn into cranes… or was that cranes who turn into girls!?!

    Love your beautiful blog and you!


  10. It’s lovely to be nominated for such a lovely award. Lovely blog.


  11. Congratulations Linda. Can’t think of a nicer award description for your place


  12. Congratulations !! and thank you very much for the nomination.


  13. Congratulations, Linda! No doubt you’ve been justly honoured.

    Macs scare me too, a little bit. But I’ll go over to the dark side, eventually. The extension cord for my 2006 used Dell desktop won’t reach to the nearest Starbucks.


  14. Most deserved lovely lady 😀 –


  15. How did opinionated man make it? He doesn’t bath…


  16. Thanks so much Linda 🙂
    I am going to have to spend some time this week catching up with awards again! lol This is my fifth in two days!!!
    Hugs to you girl. Your blog deserves this award so much. (btw you never got your interview back to me….)


  17. Linda thank you so much for the award but I am afraid I cannot accept awards , I stop a while back as it is hard enough to keep on top of getting my blog out without any extra stress with awards. I do appreciate you awarding me with one so I will be thanking you and mentioning you on my blog!


  18. Congrats for the award beautiful 🙂 xx


  19. Congratulations and thanks. Wow… Right now I’m turning round like a puppy chasing its tail in case you’re pointing to the guy behind me… 😀


    • Haha! Nope, it’s definitely you. Congratulations my dear. Your lovely self and your lovely blog deserve it. 🙂


      • Do I follow the template of what you did… the questions, my faves and stuff?

        Sorry, most of my time I hang with a 3-year old… 🙂


        • Just the rules. The rest is entirely up to you to be as creative as you’d like. 🙂


          • OK… ! I really didn’t know how this worked although I’ve seen others get nominated…

            Sounds like a JusJoJan project!!!!!!! Cool!


            • I wasn’t going to make it a JusJoJan thing, but it took me so long to do that I didn’t know if I’d get another post in today. 😛
              But hey, it’s certainly a jot and a half, so go for it! 😀


              • That’s about it! Bring a couple of worlds together…

                My grandson just went down, I’m waiting to hear if my daughter’s friend is taking her to the store or if I’m getting a walk in the brilliant sunshine. Between playing games, watching cartoons and making my grandson food I managed to cook up a small storm with a few things I bought yesterday so I’m looking forward to that too. Somewhere in all this I’d like to include writing a little more


                I’m going to pin up a note to get my nose into that book I’m working on… it’s patiently waiting…


  20. Congrats on the Award, and a massive thank you for nominating my blog. It is a great thrill. I’m not doing awards at present because of time restrictions, but it is a privilege to be nominated. I am kicking myself that I’m not doing them. I’m not fond of daddy longlegs either! Cheers. Bruce


  21. thank you girl!


  22. Ooo congrats Linda! And thanks for nominating me, I like seeing my name next to Joey, Paul, and Idiot Writing. They are awesome bloggers. I will need to check out the rest!
    And ooo I haven’t seen a daddy long legs in years… *knocks on wood* but I’ve seen that recent video of the whole mass of them squiggling about. Yeesh.


  23. Congratulations, you deserve this Award so much Linda.
    And it is wonderful to be able to give the joy to others too. I love that.


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