Life in progress

The Future of Publishing Crap, Part Two


I came across an article today which drives home the importance of editing and putting out one’s absolute best work when self-publishing. I would have re-blogged, but that wasn’t an option.

This: is the article, by Chuck Wendig. In it, he explains how self-publishing is becoming a decent and viable option to traditional means, and how that could change if self-published authors present sub-par efforts to the reading public. It’s an excellent article. You should read it, even if you’re not an author.

If you’re wondering about the “Part Two” in the title, and you’re new around here, you can find my original post on this subject here:

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

6 thoughts on “The Future of Publishing Crap, Part Two

  1. Serious writers use editors. You can’t always catch your own mistakes. And sometimes what the writer thought was a great way to describe something turned out to be clunky instead of creative. Even though I’m an editor, I still use someone else’s eyes to edit my own writing.


    • You really have to – you get attached to your work and after reading it hundreds of times, you just don’t see it anymore. I’m sure you know what I mean. I know I’ve picked up my own work after a year, read it, and said to myself, What was I thinking? and yet when I wrote it, I thought it was perfect.

      Thanks, Vince, for the comment and the insight into the way you do things. It’s interesting, always, to hear from another serious writer. 🙂


  2. As an editor, I agree. Most of the writers whose books I have edited have tried to be respectful of the correct use of grammar and usage, but often they try to hurry the process and get careless. It’s understandable, but they should have an editor help them. I’m available!


  3. He had a great blog. As a reader, I get very frustrated with the poor command some authors have of the written word. I’m talking grammar. I’m talking misuse of words. It doesn’t mean people shouldn’t write. But they get too eager to publish. Editors are a writer’s best friend.


    • I agree! I cringe every time I read that someone has published their manuscript without anyone (not even friends and family) reading it beforehand. And they say it as though it’s a good thing!

      Glad you enjoyed Mr. Wendig’s article. 🙂


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