Life in progress


Just Jot It July – 1st Edition

Miss Lou over at Miss Lou Acquiring Lore has done me the great honour of taking up the gauntlet in the “Just Jot It” series I began back in January, with Just Jot It July.

So this is me, just jotting about her month-long event for anyone who wishes to take part.

The rules are easy– you can find them here:

I think it’s pretty well known here on WordPress by anyone who has been around for at least one summer (like me) that July and August are the slowest months hereabouts. Posts drop off because of holidays, people go on hiatus… hiatuses… hiati… Heck they sometimes even to to Haiti!  …where was I… Oh yes! Vacations! They also mean that there aren’t as many people read our posts, so our view counts tend to go down.

For these reasons, it’s great to have prompts to keep us going. And that’s what Just Jot It July is all about.

So go and check it out, jot down your own post, and join in the jotting fun!