Life in progress

Stream of Consciousness … Errr … Monday – The Best Laid Plans


…and SoCM pretty much sums up my weekend.

It was a lovely Friday evening when I arrived in Kingston. I walked a bit, I managed to get some editing done, and then I went out for a late dinner. I took some pictures of the moon which will follow. It was, so far, the perfect getaway.

Then Saturday morning happened. By the afternoon I was being pumped intravenously with a cocktail of drugs to treat what the hospital thought was likely a migraine. Luckily my dear friend and saviour once again, John, was able to rescue me and bring me home, and then go back for my car on Sunday to tow it back to town.

That’s the news. (I’m okay now.)

It occurred to me however, when I was laying on my apparent death-bed in the hotel, that there are various ways to get away. There are vacations, there are trips we can take using mind-altering substances, there is meditation, there is sleep. Then there are the times we just WANT to get away – like when I’m so sick I say to myself, why can’t I just hurry up and die and get it over with? But fortunately I’m still here.

As I sat on the steps of the hotel, pasty-faced and braless, in a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt that was three sizes too big, waiting for John to pick me up in the car with nothing but a bundle of tissues in my hand (I was too weak to carry my purse) and adults avoided looking at me with the same intensity as the children stared, I thought to myself, this must be what it’s like to look homeless – only I just spent almost $200 for one night in the same hotel I was sitting on the steps of. I had to rush back in to throw up and the desk clerk didn’t recognize me. (John checked me out.) I thought she wasn’t going to let me use the washroom for a millisecond, but then I saw the look in her eye that said it’s probably better than cleaning up after me.

It goes to show how quickly things can change. Getting away isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when all you want is your own bed, your own toilet, and your own space.

I might try to go back on Wednesday to do the research I wasn’t able to do on the weekend. On the other hand, I may just stay home.

P.S. I’ll catch up with everyone’s SoCS posts ASAP! Thanks to everyone who participated! It looks like it was another great weekend. 😀

This is (kind of) a post for Stream of Consciousness Saturday.


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

38 thoughts on “Stream of Consciousness … Errr … Monday – The Best Laid Plans

  1. I hope you are feeling better Linda. I know only too well how being sick on vacay, away from home can be. 🙂


  2. What a cruel outcome to your holiday plans! So sorry that you had to go through that.


  3. A similar thing happened to me in Singapore when I was there by myself. Must admit I felt quite alone and lost at the time. Anyway I’m glad you have recovered. This line of yours ” adults avoided looking at me with the same intensity as the children stared, ” is simple brilliant.


  4. Oh, I’m so sorry! Hope you’re feeling better now and able to get the research done.


  5. Wow, that sounded like a terrible experience — so glad you’re feeling better! I’m impressed at how you were able to describe it while including humor, like when you wrote, “adults avoided looking at me with the same intensity as the children stared.” Very funny; it’s a great skill to be able to relate an incident like that in a way that makes the reader laugh AND empathize! Good luck getting to your research!


    • Thanks very much. 🙂 Unless I’m talking about something that is indeed deadly serious I always try to inject a little humour. That’s life, right? Being able to laugh at things is often all that keeps me going. 🙂
      I was going to go back today, but I’m thinking about putting it off. I’m too “in the zone” to move myself that far. 😛 Maybe later in the summer.


  6. That’s bad. Hope you have rested well. Take care Linda.


  7. Oh you poor thing. There is nothing worse than being sick and alone. Thank goodness for good friends.


    • Yes! Thank goodness. I’d have ended up in an ambulance otherwise, and Lord knows where my car would have ended up, since I couldn’t plug the parking meter.
      Thanks, Sue. 🙂


  8. Being ill is bad enough. Being ill when you’re away…that’s much worse. Hope you’re feeling better.


  9. Oh, very sorry to hear about all this. Do hope you’re on the mend soon! I know just what you mean about those illnesses when you just want to die and why does it have to drag out….I had H1N1 back in ’09 and that’s exactly how I felt. Hope yours goes easier than that one did for me!


    • Mine was very short-lived this time and I’m feeling back to myself now, thanks 🙂
      We all ended up with H1N1 back then too – my youngest was hospitalized for a week that included his birthday, and they wouldn’t let me visit because I was sick too. It certainly was a hellish sickness, wasn’t it? Glad we all (you included) got through it!


  10. Good that you had a great friend, when you really were in need. I hope you feel better soon Linda, we will wait for you, so take your time 🙂


  11. Wow Linda. Sounds like quite the nightmare. So glad you are better now. I certainly have had some bad experiences far from home. Not much worse than that.
    Take care of yourself.
    All the best,


  12. Glad you’re feeling better. Hope you can get your research done.


  13. I’m thanking God you are well. 🙂


  14. Oh, Linda I’m so sorry to hear that 😦 there is nothing in the world than feeling horrible and not being home! It’s just the worst ! Glad you’re feeling better today ! Thanks for leaving us all with the great prompt for SoCS 🙂


    • Thanks very much. It was horrible – and being alone really didn’t help. Thank goodness for John! …and that I wasn’t in Japan or somewhere as far-flung.
      I’m glad you enjoyed the prompt – I look forward to reading your entry 😀


  15. What is important right now is you taking care of yourself. Your words are worth waiting for!


    • Haha! Thanks so much quiall. I’m taking it easy. Funny how my worst health always seems to show up when I don’t have the kids to look after. It’s a good thing… and it’s a pain in the neck as well. 😛


  16. Hope you are okay. Sorry about the attack.


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