Life in progress

The Countdown to A-Z is On!


Only five hours left, as I start writing this post, until April begins and I’m chomping at the bit to write my first A-Z. I don’t know if the fact that I have no idea what I’m going to write makes it harder – or easier for that matter – but a challenge is something I anticipate with glee pretty much all the time. I’m the same way as November 1st approaches when I’m getting ready to NaNo.

I’m so anxious to begin that I signed up my anonymous blog for the challenge too. I’ve assigned it an “Adult Content” classification and I’ve decided to write about controversial subjects in fiction. It will include articles on writing sex scenes, murder scenes, and the stuff that grosses people out among other things. If I’m brave enough I may even touch on topics like what is and isn’t considered child pornography, all with the greatest respect of course. Although I’ll have a set out theme, it may end up being more of a challenge than not knowing what I’m going to write at all.

So who’s with me? Are you ready? Are you dreading the next month? Are you anxious to read any particular A-Zs? Do you pronounce it “zee” or “zed”? There are quite a few April A-Zs I’m looking forward to. If you have one or two links to share, feel free. 🙂

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

30 thoughts on “The Countdown to A-Z is On!

  1. You will do it fine I might join in unofficially!


  2. I am looking forward to your posts Linda, and will look out for your adult blog as well. I have done my first A-Zed post which is here which I did write 2 days in advance as I am working quite a lot this week so have had to be a bit more organised!


  3. I finished my A post about midnight and now to start on B. I didn’t do any pre-writing, just pre-researching. That is the hardest part for me – to just WRITE IT!


  4. Good luck – I’m nervous enough at the thought of keeping up with A-Z posts for one blog, never mind two! Looking forward to seeing everyone else’s posts over the next month 🙂


  5. Sounds like a great theme… Look forward to it!


  6. I still have not decided! My deadlines at work ensure that quality blog output is minimal 😦 Not really up for posting sub-standard stuff.


    • I know what you mean. Knowing I’ll have a limited amount of time some days, I’ll be getting ahead and pre-scheduling a few, I’m sure. 😛 I’ll watch out for your posts though! I hope you find the time you need. 🙂


  7. I’m out. I’ll meet you at the end of April, on the other side of your nervous breakdown.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am so excited! I can hardly wait to start my writing and to visit yours and all of the others’ posts. Have fun!


  9. Getting a little zing of excitement going on for tomorrow’s A to Z. 🙂 Wishing you lots of fun with yours!


  10. We’ll be watching with bated breath and cheering you on.


  11. I’m thinking about participating, but not formally, not officially. Just, you know, ad hoc. Hey, “ad hoc.” Maybe that will be my “A” post tomorrow.


  12. I think I might. I think. Debating. More or less think yes.

    I’m looking forward to la dame Francaise who’s doing the adages 🙂


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