Life in progress

SoCS – J is for Journalist


Well that worked out well. I don’t think I need to take a picture of my thesaurus this week to prove that “journalist” is in fact the second-last word on the left-hand page that I turned to… you trust me, right?

Honesty in journalism is something that’s apparently hard to come by these days. I don’t often listen to or read the news. I wish I had less going on in my life that I had the luxury to put other people’s and countries’ business closer to the top of my priority list, but it just ain’t happenin’. My mother was recently diagnosed with ‘mixed dementia’ which includes a touch of Alzheimer’s, and though I haven’t even properly researched what that means, I have been led to understand that the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease is attitude. Let’s just say she hasn’t been easy to deal with these past few years and it seems to be getting worse by the day. While she hasn’t displayed any of the outbursts you sometimes hear about, nor has she gone wandering (thank goodness) but I’m finding myself agreeing to being the stupid one (her term) more often than not to avoid arguments. I really do need to learn more about this disease.

So where was I? Oh yes, journalists. I can’t imagine myself as a journalist. I can’t interview someone to save my life, and I’m afraid that any reporting I did would end up more speculation and fiction than actual true story. I tend toward writing fiction – my imagination is probably one of the most prevalent parts of my personality.

Let’s see what synonyms we have here: hack. Yeah, that’d be me. Chronicler. Sounds painful. Oh Oh OH! Periodicalist! I like that word, though my spell check doesn’t. Let’s try using it in a sentence.

The periodicalist was found guilty of dangling participles. His sentence; to be reviewed…


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Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

and A-Z April

BATZAP by Doobster @ Mindful Digressions

BATZAP by Doobster @ Mindful Digressions



Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

26 thoughts on “SoCS – J is for Journalist

  1. Remember to take good care of Linda, too!


  2. Thinking of you and your mom. Our family had dealt with several members developing dementia. It’s hard.


  3. Pingback: Jihadist Journalism | Existential Eccentricities

  4. Pingback: SoCS : Where will my Journey in life take me to now? | What's Rattling My Cage

  5. My sister just wrote me today that fat people are less likely to get dementia. While this has nothing to do with your mother’s case, it cheered me up personally because I am no losing any weight and I’m not getting any younger either. Hack is a good one.


  6. I like periodicalist very much. The Alzheimers Association is a great source of information about all the symptoms and behaviors, also for Dementia. I worked on a Senior Behavioral Health Unit as a RN for a time and I learned a lot about this and the stages that people go through. One of my in laws has it and a family member. Good to get some support in the community with other caregivers. It is good that your Mom is in a retirement home to help with her care.


  7. Sorry about your mum Linda… *hug* Strength and patience is what helps – presently watching a relative go through it.
    I wanted to get into media – not as a news anchor, but perhaps as a producer. But then… phoosh! Ended up in finance.


    • Funny the things life has in store for us when we’re not expecting it – both in health and in careers… and everything else for that matter.
      Thanks for the hug and for your compassion, Prajakta. 🙂


  8. I like hack.
    It’s short and to the point.
    I enjoy interviewing people, but I don’t like all the issues most journalists cover. I like to stay away from politics and other topics like that.
    Growing old is not fun. One of those hard to face realities of life.


    • Politics are why I rarely read newspapers. I’m bad that way. 😛
      Growing old is definitely not fun for some of us – but if we’re lucky enough to do so, we have to hope we’ll be able to make the best of it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Linda, sorry about your mum’s dementia, my father and several aunts died as a result of frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s, and I’ve briefly discussed this on my blog. and My father died seven years ago, and it’s only some time later that I’ve started to understand what might have been going through his mind, by reading and remembering. A very cruel illness.
    I read this book some years ago, Another Country, some years ago, it’s not specifically about dementia, but about understanding the process of growing old. It’s a wonderful book:
    I’m no expert, but hope this helps 🙂


    • Thanks very much, Luccia. 🙂 I’ll check out your links. My mother is 85 years old and a smoker – I doubt she’ll die from Alzheimer’s, but it certainly isn’t making what’s left of her life easy. All I can do now is try to support her as best I can without losing it myself. 😛
      Appreciate the support. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Linda. I’m sorry to hear about your’s Mum’s diagnosis. Dementia is awful, but there is lots you can do to support your Mum.
    I like ‘Periodicalist’ although it is a bit of a mouthful!


  11. That’s sad about our Mom. I hope things work out OK Linda.


  12. My mother-in-law has that cantankerous style of dementia also. My wife is trying to take care of her, but it is an emotional strain.


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