Life in progress

SoCS – When a bell rings…


…an angel gets its wings.

Wouldn’t it be nice to believe Angels exist? I read license plates sometimes as though they are signs from above. Sometimes they make sense right away, sometimes it takes a while to figure out exactly what their meaning is, if there is one at all. I do remember a time…

Back about ten years ago, maybe less, I spent a lot of time wishing for a partner. I often saw license plates that ended with the letters “YTD.” As a former bookkeeper, this did actually mean something to me – “year to date.” But I couldn’t help thinking that it might mean that I was going to meet someone whose name started with the letter “D.” The letters were preceded with a three digit number however. I hoped it wasn’t going to take more than 100 years to meet “D.” As it turned out, it didn’t. He was a very special part of my life, and still is though we’re now far apart once again.

By now you’re thinking “it’s a co-incidence” or “she’s nuts. Run away!” But what if I’m not?

I saw an experiment done once and I found that the results were phenomenal. I’d like you to try it. You don’t have to tell me you’re trying it, you don’t have to tell me how it worked out. It takes a week.

Come up with a word or a number combination, a name… anything you don’t see or hear on a regular basis, maybe even the ringing of a bell… and spend the next week seeing how many times you encounter that word, or name, or number combination, or sound. Let me know if you feel like it how it worked out. If you even remember this at all.

Is it co-incidence? Is it a force telling you that there is, indeed, something out there just letting you know it’s there? Could it be an Angel? You decide.

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Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

39 thoughts on “SoCS – When a bell rings…

  1. I live by the guidance of my angels Linda. It’s no myth, we need only pay attention to the signs. There are always plenty of them. 🙂


  2. I go along with the new car syndrome, Linda. My view is this (and I freely acknowledge that there are other views that may have equal validity and that certainly deserve equal respect): if something is at, or close to the front of your consciousness, you will register seeing it more than you would otherwise. Simply put, you will be aware of what you are aware of. Here’s an alternative test: pick on something; anything; and make a conscious decision not to think about it all day. Then don’t think about it.
    Excellent response to the prompt, by the way.


  3. I believe in angels through and through so let the bells ring and loud. Those who don’t can chalk it up to the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. Marianne

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just put it out to the angels. Might remember to let you know, might not, but I definitely believe it will.


  5. I’m going to try it. I don’t believe in coincidence.


  6. I am a firm believer in “angels”…though not as they are depicted in a religious sense. Its more that the term represents “faith”. Things happen for a reason, people are brought together, situations arise… it is all meaningful in some way…


    • I’m with you in the removal of religion from what I believe. …and yes, I believe everything has some sort of meaning. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your views, my dear. 🙂


  7. Pingback: SoCS — Rings | joeyfullystated

  8. This is the new car phenomenon, yes?
    You know the one; You get a new car. A red one, say.
    You spend the next couple of months noticing how many other red cars there are on the road all of a sudden.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’ll try it. It reminds me of the book “Crying of Lot 49” and Edna’s preoccupation with signs.


  10. I’m definitely going to try it, because I believe in angels, and the signs they are with us – the small things that remind us we’re not alone. I have this thing with shapes, the shape of a love heart to be exact. An example would be, on my younger sister’s graduation, we were all a little sad that our dad wasn’t with us. Later that day we passed a church as we explored the town (the graduation was held in a place we’d never visited before). In the graveyard, resting against one of the graves, was a heart shaped balloon. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I chose to believe in the symbolism, in the message that dad is with us always. There are other examples – on his birthday walking over a cobbled stone which was slightly raised causing me to look down and realise it was shaped like a heart. I could go on! Great post, Linda. Thanks for sharing 😀


    • Thank you for sharing your experience, Melissa. 🙂 It brought to mind when my youngest son was in hospital – he was two months old and going in for heart surgery. At the time I was selling Avon. I opened my catalog one day right around the time of his operation and there was a teddy bear for sale. It was (is: I still have it) holding a heart in its paws and on its shirt is its name: “Alex.” My son’s name. He made it through the surgery – not without complications – but he’s still here with us. The bear was, and still is, like a nod that someone was watching over him that day.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Great post Linda, I don’t believe in coincidences 😀
    Few weeks ago I was in a big supermarket. I felt something was in my hair, lifted my hand and took it away without knowing, what it was. It was a wasps and I am allergic to their poison. Nothing happened, I felt like my Guardian Angel protected me right there.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I have done this lately and noticed my birthday month and day popping up on my clock radio or cell phone.


  13. Sorry, I got cut off. A friend once stopped at a store to pick up snacks for a long drive. She saw a small fire extinguisher and bought it. She just had a feeling. Not 20 minutes later she saw a car stopped with its hood open and a woman staring at it. A fire had just started. If my friend had not had the fire extinguisher . . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I agree with you! I have had too many experiences of “coincidence”


  15. This post rings a bell for me and I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

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