Life in progress

Tuesday Use It In A Sentence – Overrun


My lawn sparkles when it’s overrun with fireflies. It’s one of my favourite things about summer.



Here are the prompt rules:

  1. Make a sentence with the word of the week. Leave it as just a sentence or write a post to go with it.
  2. Try to do it on Tuesday.
  3. Include the hashtag #tuesdayuseitinasentence.
  4. Post it on Twitter and/or Facebook (if you have a public site) and/or Pinterest and/or WordPress and/or any other social media site you belong to.
  5. Participate as many times as you’d like. You can write a different sentence for each platform, but please keep it to one sentence per post.
  6. I will be trolling Twitter for the hashtag, so watch my Twitter feed in the sidebar for retweets. Make sure to connect on Twitter with other participants!
  7. If you post your sentence here on WordPress or on any other site where there’s a clickable link, include the link in the comment section for this week.
  8. Google #tuesdayuseitinasentence to find other participants! The more you connect, the bigger it gets and the more views and followers you’ll have.
  9. Have fun!


What are you waiting for? Make up a sentence and join in!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

11 thoughts on “Tuesday Use It In A Sentence – Overrun

  1. Pingback: Tuesday Use It In a Sentence | Linda G. Hill

  2. I love this idea. You’re so good at inspirational blogging ideas and I appreciate it. 🙂


  3. Pingback: Overrun – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence | Jeanne Owens, author

  4. Pingback: willowdot21

  5. Fireflies are one of my favorite parts of summer too. I love the first viewing and miss them when they leave.


  6. Pingback: Overrun | sixty, single and surviving

  7. Pingback: Bad behavior – This post is part of #Tuesdayuseitanasentience | IreneDesign2011

  8. I dig that, too. They’re more abundant in my back 40. It’s quite a sight mid-July. Every time it’s the first night like that, it takes my breath away and startles the dog.
    When I lived in that awful, hot place, there were NO fireflies. Or as we say, ‘lightnin bugs.’


    • Isn’t it just a gorgeous, magical sight? We only get them here for a few days and then they’re gone. And not every year – unless I’ve missed them which is entirely possible.


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