Life in progress

Just Jot It January 18th – Elegance


It hasn’t been often in my life that I’ve felt elegant. I don’t have a job that requires any level of it, and I never really have. I used to dress nicely when I worked in an office, particularly when I was the receptionist.  I’ve enjoyed going out to parties, dances, and bars, (in my younger years) but those days are gone.

But I do appreciate elegance. And so I write about it. The characters in my novels are far more elegant than I can ever dream to be. It’s just one of the many things I compensate for using my imagination. They say those who can’t do, teach. I suppose it could be said that I teach the population of my stories what I can do in theory but not practice in real life. Or maybe they teach me.

The “Elegance” prompt is brought to you by Kelli at Forty, c’est Fantastique!. Please go and say hi and follow her if you don’t already!

JJJ 2016

To find the rules for Just Jot It January, click here and join in today. It’s never too late! And don’t forget to ping back your January 18th post here!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

58 thoughts on “Just Jot It January 18th – Elegance

  1. Thanks for letting me choose a word, Linda! It makes me feel elegant to be a part of your “team” 🙂


  2. Pingback: #JusJoJan – Elegance – Forty, c'est Fantastique !

  3. Pingback: JustJoJan Day 18 – Dining Elegance | This Thing Called Life One Word at a Time

  4. Pingback: Like Some Lovelorn Teenager: The IDIC Romance for #JusJoJan Day 18 | shanjeniah's Lovely Chaos

  5. Pingback: One extreme to the other – Top of JC's Mind

  6. Pingback: JUST JOT IT JANUARY – # 19 – ELEGANCE | teleportingweena

  7. Pingback: Elegance? #JusJoJan | The Sound of One Hand Typing

  8. Pingback: JusJoJan: Day 18 – Elegance | fallonbrownwrites

  9. Pingback: JusJoJan the 18th – Elegance, a poem | inspiration in progress

  10. Elegance is such a beautiful word. So gentle. Elegance is not only physical either. Have a wonderful day.. c


  11. Pingback: Elegance | joeyfullystated

  12. Pingback: Just Jot It January: leotards, romance, and snails #JusJoJan | Her Headache

  13. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Elegance – Just Plain Ol' Vic

  14. Pingback: Just Jot It January 18th – Elegance | ladyleemanila

  15. Elegance is nice to experience but if I touch anything the elegance drains out of it.. LOL


  16. Pingback: Just Jot It January 18 | fiddledeedeebooks

  17. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Day eighteen… | Diary of an Internet Nobody.

  18. Pingback: Audrey and Grace – The Embodiment of Elegance | Promptly Written

  19. Very nice. I’ve had occasions to be elegant, but in my heart, still a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. ☺


  20. I like to think writing and our characters teach us. You are very elegant with words.


  21. Elegance is personal… Maybe it is not the delicate pearls, the coiffed hair and tiny hands. Maybe it is in the way the wind flows through your hair, the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh or just your gait after a good ice-cream expedition.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. As my post suggests, elegance and me don’t work in the same sentence.


  23. Pingback: the dangers of elegance | adarkenedhouse

  24. Pingback: Superbia’s Story – The Fruits of Labour | new2writing

  25. Pingback: Going for Elegance-JusJoJan – DebWasHere

  26. I started my journey into elegance late. Pretty late. I am less than 5 years old, and I may not even be doing it right. But I do feel really good doing it. Sharing your elegance knowledge with your characters help people like me know what to do-because we read! And you are right. It probably teaches you too.


  27. I would have loved to have been elegant, but there is no hope for me now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Hi Linda I don’t think I have ever been elegant, at 4ft 10½inches it doesn’t go with the territory! But elegance is more than looks and I think we can all be elegant in our own way. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Pingback: Just Jot it January 18th – Elegance | Edwina's Episodes

  30. Pingback: Just Jot It January : Elegance | willowdot21

  31. Pingback: Just Jot It January 18 | Simply Me

  32. Linda, I have not felt elegant in many years either….ahhhh those were the days lol


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