Life in progress

Just Jot It January 19th – Climate


If you Google the word “climate,” the results are primarily about climate change. And why not? It’s a relevant concern these days. Most of us just have to look out the window to see it’s real. But I’m tired, and I understand far less about its causes and effects than the experts out there, so I’ll leave it to them (or to you, if there are any experts reading this) to explain, and talk instead about the other meaning of the word.

Mood. Ambiance.

I can’t stand fluorescent lighting. Give me a warm yellow glow, whether from a candle or an incandescent bulb any day (or night, as the case may be). Especially when I’m in my own room.

In the evening, when all the kids and pets are tucked safely into bed I go up to my own with my book and my ounce of Bailey’s (until my Christmas bottle runs out… that’s a hint for anyone planning to buy me a birthday present) and I enjoy them both in my incandescent light for about 15 minutes before I lay down and go to sleep. I can’t relax without winding down from my day.

Do you have a nighttime ritual?

The “Climate” prompt is brought to you by Joanne at Top of JC’s Mind. If you don’t already follow her, please check out her blog!

JJJ 2016

To find the rules for Just Jot It January, click here and join in today. It’s never too late! And don’t forget to ping back your January 19th post here!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

74 thoughts on “Just Jot It January 19th – Climate

  1. Pingback: Just Jot It January ~ 19Jan16 ~ Climate – The Bee Writes…

  2. Pingback: Use surreptitiously in a sentence | adarkenedhouse

  3. I like the idea of a night cap! Unfortunately, can’t do that right now.
    My circadian rhythms are flipped, so I am often more awake at night than the day.
    When I’m enforcing a bed time, then my ritual is a half-hour or so to get ready for bed: meds, wash up, various facial/hair treatments, cross word puzzle, sleep clothes. Otherwise, it gets done at odd hours.


  4. I was a do-do- in more ways than one — day late, 75 cents short


  5. Pingback: I was a do do | adarkenedhouse

  6. That sounds like a nice bedtime habit. I wish I could start some sort of reading habit, but my family refuses to let me – hah 😦


  7. Pingback: #JusJoJan — Climate – Forty, c'est Fantastique !

  8. Pingback: JusJoJan the 19th – Climate, a 50-word story | inspiration in progress

  9. Pingback: SHARE YOUR WORLD – WEEK # 3 | teleportingweena

  10. Pingback: Tuesday Use it in a Sentence & #JuJoJan|Late & Climate | What's Rattling My Cage

  11. Pingback: What Scars? The IDIC Romance for #JusJoJan Day 19 | shanjeniah's Lovely Chaos

  12. Pingback: JustJoJan Day 19 – Small Climate Changes and Headaches | This Thing Called Life One Word at a Time

  13. Pingback: Thunder and Lightning, Scars and Bruises, and Inconvenient Truths #JusJoJan | Her Headache

  14. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Climate – Just Plain Ol' Vic

  15. Pingback: Climb-It (#JusJoJan) | The Sound of One Hand Typing

  16. My nightly ritual consists of pushing the cats out of the way so I can get in. XD

    Seriously, like Bee, I like to sleep with noise, but because I snore if I sleep on my back, I have an external speaker through which I play the sound of rain all night. I started that when I was in the hospital and it really helps me get to sleep. And the three aspirin I take have something to do with it, too.


  17. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Day nineteen… | Diary of an Internet Nobody.

  18. Since my last period of insomnia I have started to think of at least one thing I am grateful for and I have made a playlist with binaural beats against insomnia and grinding my teeth. I listen to it on my phone and it seems to work. Oh, and of course: a cup of tea :-). Great post 🙂


  19. Pingback: JusJoJan: Day 19 – Climate | fallonbrownwrites

  20. Pingback: all brr no zzz | that cynking feeling

  21. Pingback: Just Jot It January 19th – Climate | ladyleemanila

  22. Pingback: irumeur… | fiddledeedeebooks

  23. Pingback: All This Talk About Climate… | Promptly Written

  24. Bailey’s…how wonderful. I really need to start drinking more. even at bedtime. 💤 💤


  25. I don’t have a bedtime ritual. Maybe that is my sleep problem…

    Thank you for the opportunity to contribute a prompt. I actually chose “climate” so that people could chose the science route or the social route for their posts. I, of course, had to take the science side, as it is often “top of mind” for me.

    Thanks for the shout-out! I’m loving participating in #JusJoJan this year and, amazingly, haven’t missed a day yet! Fingers crossed I can do the whole month, which would be a first for me.


    • Bedtime rituals are great, especially when they’re designed to relax. You should try to set one up, and let us know how it goes. 🙂
      You’re welcome, Joanne. And thanks so much again. Hang in there with the posts – we’re almost there! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Pingback: The dangers of methane emissions – Top of JC's Mind

  27. Pingback: Just Jotting Share Your World 2016 #3 | joeyfullystated

  28. Yes, we both have a ritual, and it’s a delicate dance so as not to interfere with the other. But my ritual isn’t like yours at all. It consists of chores 😦 Earlier in the evening, I do enjoy a nice hot cuppa tea 🙂


  29. Baileys!!! It has been a while since I last had a glass. I remembered the first time I drank it, I thought it was a new chocolate beverage, and finished half of it without realising. LOL! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Pingback: THIS is how to write a poem. | ~Idiot Writing~

  31. My night time ritual is to plan for the next day. I make sure all my gadgets are charged. Alarm is one. I check all my social media. Then I arrange my pillows, say my good nights and try to fall asleep but it never happens instantly. I usually toss and turn for a half hour or so. I used to read or watch Tv until I fall asleep, but I find I just stay up longer.. .”one more chapter”…


  32. Read – even if it’s just a page. I can’t sleep until I have that book (or kindle in my hand). 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Head hits pillow sleep… Not always all night.


  34. Pingback: Just Jot it January 19th – Climate | Edwina's Episodes

  35. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Climate Haiku Warning. | willowdot21

  36. Pingback: Just Jot It January ~ 19Jan16 ~ Climate « Just Fooling Around With Bee

  37. Pingback: Morning run and self-preservation-JusJoJan – DebWasHere

  38. My night time routine is shower-read blogs-check out football scores-read more blogs then sleep.


  39. My nighttime ritual recently is to brush my teeth, leave comments on some blogs, and then pass out asleep at my desk.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Currently I am hooked on the WordPress app for my iPhone and iPad. So I often catch up on other people’s blogs. I gain a lot of inspiration that way. Whether this is a good or bad idea before going to sleep I am not too sure!

    Liked by 2 people

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