Life in progress

Just Jot It January 2016 Participant Badge and All-Round Pat on the Back


We did it! Just Jot It January 2016 was an unprecedented success and I owe it all to everyone who participated. It was wonderful meeting and getting to know some great bloggers who I hope to keep up with from now on and I enjoyed reading all the posts (so far – if I haven’t read your post, I’ll certainly try). The daily prompts were loads of fun, as was the opportunity to link to different blogs, though maybe I’ll do that a little differently next year. I’m thinking about holding the “competition” once a week so more people have the chance to get their prompt in, particularly those who start later in the month.

Based on this year’s excellent turnout, I may ask for help next year. I’m not sure exactly what “help” will entail yet; if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Perhaps I’ll do guest bloggers.

So this is it! Congratulations to those who linked every day in January, and thanks to all, whether you participated 31 times or once.

Here’s your badge!

JJJ Part 2016

P.S. Anyone who’s looking for a new daily prompt for February, look no more! Our friend The Bee is hosting “Love Is In Da Blog” again this year. You can find the exciting new rules here:

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

22 thoughts on “Just Jot It January 2016 Participant Badge and All-Round Pat on the Back

  1. Hi Linda! This seems like the best place to ask if a) you’re doing a Jot for 2o17, and, if so, b) what can I do to help? =)

    I’m setting up goals and a schedule of sorts, and would love to Jot! Since I found out very late the last two years, thought I’d try to be a bit more on the ball this time round!


  2. Pingback: #LoIsInDaBl Day 1 – Balance (For the blog and my life) | This Thing Called Life One Word at a Time

  3. Pingback: Love and Codependency (Question of the Month) | The Sound of One Hand Typing

  4. Thank you Linda for being the captain. Thanks for the badge even though I didn’t earn it. 🙂


  5. Thank you Linda for a great month!!!


  6. Thanks for a great month of prompts, Linda! And thanks to everyone who suggested prompts – there were some doozies! It was all great fun.


  7. Pingback: Just Jot It January….Finished?! – Just Plain Ol' Vic

  8. Thanks again, Linda! You’re awesome! ❤


  9. Pingback: Mindful Monday | The Richness of a Simple Life

  10. You rocked it, as usual, Linda! It was an epic start to 2016 and, I believe, more fun than last year. I loved the daily prompt. Thanks again for being such an amazing host! 🙂


  11. Thanks again Linda. You did an excellent job as host and coordinator.
    You mentioned last post about using a linky. There is the frog and Mr. Linky. It does put all the posts in one spot, leaves another for comments, and organizes contribution. Some work involved, especially if creating a new one daily. Something your helpers could help with.


  12. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Day thirty two (?)… | Diary of an Internet Nobody.

  13. It was great! You are a wonderful inspiration to us all, Linda 🙂


  14. OMG…the challenge is over?! I am so conflicted. Yay that I made it and Boo that it is over! 😉


  15. I enjoyed my first JJIJ experience enormously, thank you so much for all your hard work, it was a blast.


  16. Thank you, Linda for the initiative. Only two JusJoJan posts, but I found it an interesting challenge to participate in something like this and make it fit in with what has emerged as the focus of my blog. Thanks again!


  17. Pingback: TToT: An Air of Mighty February Freshness – Can you smell it? #10Thankful | Her Headache

  18. Thank you Linda again you have made jusjojan a major sucess!!


  19. Thank you so much for hosting JusJoJan. I had a lot of fun jotting and getting to know more bloggers. I really appreciate your effort and hard work in keeping up with the pingback (take your time!). You did a wonderful job, Linda! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. That sure went by fast! I may have been late to the game, but it was fun.


  21. Hi Linda, thanks so much for another great #JusJoJan and the shoutout for “Love Is In Da Blog”. If my mental state allows, I would love to help you next year. Guest blogging sounds a very good idea or maybe helping with reading the posts and commenting on your behalf? Have a great week and thanks again!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Pingback: Thanks Linda for Hosting Just Jot It January 2016 – ladyleemanila

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