Life in progress

#ThursdayDoors – Museum pieces


My son, Christopher, and I went on our yearly excursion to Toronto to the Royal Ontario Museum on Tuesday. The outside of the building is under renovation, but luckily I got pictures of the actual museum doors last year ( click here to see them). This year, I decided to take photos of some of the doors on display inside. It seems doors are interesting enough to keep …

Click on the photos for a larger image:

There were more doors in the museum, but these were all I managed to capture this time around.

The Thursday Doors prompt is brought to you by Norm Frampton. Click on his post and join in today!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

8 thoughts on “#ThursdayDoors – Museum pieces

  1. Some great doors there, Linda. My favourite is the Beverley House door. 🙂


  2. Great photos Linda. I’m surprised you were allowed to take them? Hey, you should have met me for coffee 🙂


  3. Yes indeed doors can be museum pieces. Pretty awesome isn’t it?
    The middle-eastern one and the Belanger House are just wonderful.


  4. Nice collection! I love the Middle East door — sharp! 🙂


  5. Great doors. I can see why they’re on display.


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