Life in progress


#SoCS – Cozy Mosey

I’m just gonna mosey on over to my laptop like I didn’t promise last week to hit it early, and write an ol’ blog post. You know, I could just change the prompt to Stream of Consciousness Sunday. Would anyone notice?


I went to great lengths to get some writing done today. I sat in the back seat of my car with my computer–no Internet access–all cozy-like while a thunderstorm raged outside, and I still managed to procrastinate a bit as I tried to type. I managed a little under 800 words, bringing my third book of my series up to 72,600 words so far. I figure I’ve got about 18K left to go to get to the end of the story.

I’ve been procrastinating a lot this week. I meant to post the mid-month reminder for the Escapist Coloring Club but I didn’t get around to it. May is also the month I should have posted the contest for the new One-Liner Wednesday badge. I’m seriously, honestly going to miss our monkey friend. But I suppose it’s only fair to give the picture back to Cheryl and let someone else have a chance. I won’t complain AT ALL if she decides to enter the same badge back into the contest, though. (hint, hint)

I shall do that this week. As for the Coloring Club thing, may as well wait for June 1st, eh?

I don’t mind putting it off. In fact that’s what I’m best at these days.

But only when it’s my own stuff I’m working at.

I need to start treating myself as if I was my own client. Then I’d get everything done. On time.

SoCS badge by Pamela, at

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