Life in progress

Random Update and a Thank You


First, thanks to everyone who participated in and commented on my One-Liner Wednesday and my SoCS. I’ve read all your wonderful comments, and I shall strive to reply to them all tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I’m going to get my MRI done on my noggin at 7am. I have to be at the hospital 45 minutes early, so that’ll be fun.

Wish me luck. 🙂

P.S. From the date the doctor ordered the MRI to the date of the test was almost exactly one month, for those wondering what the wait times are really like in Canada. Is that much longer than it would take in the US? Just wondering.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

25 thoughts on “Random Update and a Thank You

  1. Good luck and here in the USA where I am in NJ I just had a cat scan scheduled within days and then depends on the insurance company giving the OK. Same with MRI’s. No long waits and the wait is usually due to the insurance company giving its ok and that depends on the doctor too. Maybe the type of doctor although I have never had a long wait except in 1987 when it took them forever to schedule my gall bladder surgery and the stones moved out of the gall bladder and into the bile duct and it caused a problem due to the long wait and the stones moving due to the high inflammation. I got the scans fine, but the surgery was already major surgery and then became even more major surgery with the complications.


  2. Thinking of you! Positive vibes generated by the ton!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am sensing a lot of love here. I had a herniated disk and it only took about a week for me to get an MRI appointment. My body is bigger than that of many other people, so I felt a bit claustrophobic being jammed into that machine, but it was over in 20 minutes and they let me listen to music. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good luck with the MRI, Linda. Hope the results are favorable.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sending you all the positivity I can muster and and hoping all is good with you. Hugs 💜💜💜


  6. Good luck with the scan 💜


  7. Sending you lots of love and uplifting thoughts, Linda.


  8. I don’t think we would wait a month here for an MRI.


  9. Sending you crazy amounts of positivity and love healing 💓💪


  10. All the best! Hope everything is fine.


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