Life in progress

AtoZ/What Day is it Anyway? Tuesday, April 28th, 2020 – X-rated? Nah. Well, maybe …



My day today so far–11:58am: 

Today is an exciting day! Why? Because it’s not every day you publish a book!!

Will an office no-dating policy stand in the way of love?

Since her breakup with her cheating ex, Sandra Weber has been just going through the motions as Sales Manager at Studletter Condom Company. But when Michael Thorne is hired as an assistant, sparks in the office begin to fly.

Though Michael, aka Saddle McFleshbomb, loves dancing at Woody O’Flanagan’s Pub, he’s looking to move up in the world. His schooling almost finished, he lands a plum job as the only man in an office filled with women: four so exasperatingly humorless that it’s funny, and one stunning beauty with a laugh that warms the cockles of his heart.

When Sandra shows up at Woody’s on a rare night that he’s dancing for men, she assumes he’s gay, and therefore the no-dating policy doesn’t apply. But he’s not. He’s intensely interested in her. And he’s afraid to tell her he’s straight.

If you like light romantic comedy, hot office flirtations, and a long slow burn, you’ll love Saddled, the first book in Linda G. Hill’s “Once a Week at Woody’s” series.

Score a seat at Woody O’Flanagan’s Pub today!


Is Saddled x-rated? It’s definitely for adults, but there’s more of an underlying erotic vibe than all-out x-rated content. Here’s what a couple of advance-reader reviewers have said.

This was a really cute story. I loved how Sandra wasn’t the usual heroine. She liked him, she knew about his other job and still stuck with him. She didn’t cower at her ex and then not be able to decide who she wanted. She was to the poi t and she was consistent throughout the whole book.

Michal was just too adorable for words. I loved his humor and how in co Troy he was even while being ambushed by the ladies at work. Of course, they HAD to be “Karens”.

This was a really good story and even though it was 41 chapters, I wish there was more! ~ Sarah, Goodreads reviewer

And one more.

An entertaining start to a series, this was the first book I have read by this author. The story perfectly blends the right amount of humor with realism. Anyone who has worked in a professional office environment o aware of the drama and at times toxic attitude to be found. This story so perfe fly portraye that, and adds just the right amount of fun. I’ll admit, I expected more of a slapstick over-the-top story, based on Michael’s stage name, but it really wasn’t. The story does deal with some serious issues,  but with a very light hand (brings awareness to the issue, but without overdoing it). Characters are great- and I look forward to continuing the series and reading Seth’s story. I received an advance copy for my honest review. ~ SJP, Amazon reviewer

Sounds like fun, right?

Anyway, that’s the end of my shameless self-promo for today, and likely for this book.

So pick it up now, and escape for a while in my fun new romantic comedy!

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Amazon CA

Amazon AU

KOBO, Nook, Apple, and direct to where ever you are in the world on Amazon.

Thank you so much!


I want to express my appreciation for all of your kind messages of condolence. My way of coping is to put it out of my mind when I need to concentrate on the many facets of my life, and grieve alone when I have a moment. It seems, at this time, the only way to survive.

Thanks again. ❤

Why I’m writing this post:

Because if you’re like me and stuck at home already, or if you’re going to be like me soon, the days of the week are going to be hell to keep track of. We have a wonderful community here on WordPress and all over the Internet as well, and I’m sure many people are feeling nervous and/or isolated. I want to make sure every one of us has somewhere to congregate and someone to talk to.

I want everyone to know that you can start discussions with each other in the comments, and if you’d like to write your own “What Day is it Anyway?” post, you can link to this one. Hashtag #WDIIA.

Let’s keep in touch!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

31 thoughts on “AtoZ/What Day is it Anyway? Tuesday, April 28th, 2020 – X-rated? Nah. Well, maybe …

  1. congrats on the book and publishing it. I hope its a huge success. ❤


  2. Pingback: What Day Is It Anyway? A2Z X | Darswords

  3. Wow! Congratulations!!!


  4. Congratulations. Sounds like a fun story. 🙂


  5. Pingback: Brother Watch | Notes Tied On The Sagebrush

  6. Well done my dear congratulations 💜👍💜👍


  7. Congratulations on your book release!


  8. Congratulations with your first book. This is so exciting. My it be a great success.


  9. What a hottie on the cover!


  10. Love the promo of your new book! Just the kind of read I need during these crazy times 🙂


  11. It arrived on my kindle at midnight last night!!!


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