Life in progress


#SoCS – No Food for Thought

I think I write better when I’m hungry. It seems almost like when there’s no food in my stomach, I’m not full of unnecessary things. It could also be that I can relax better on a full stomach, which makes me feel more tired. I do need coffee though. I have a hard time writing when decaffeinated.

It’s like the air, the atmosphere I’m in: I don’t need quiet, in particular, but I do need to be free of distraction to write. So if I’m in a busy restaurant, have a television on in the background, or music, I’m okay to write away. If I have Alex asking me questions every 45 seconds, I can’t concentrate. I’m almost afraid to try to write when I’m in the room with him – which is why I’m so far behind. He won’t allow me to go to another room. His insistence on getting attention is worse if I’m not beside him.

The other night my eldest one lined up the magnetic numbers on the fridge in order. I rearranged them to 8675309.


He got the reference. That made me happy, since he’s only 21 years old.

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