Life in progress

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It’s a Sale! (and a freebie!)

For the next week, you can save 75% when you buy the ebook version of Stroked!!

And check this out – it’s a #1 Best Seller in LGBTQ+ Humor on Kindle!

Get it TODAY on Kindle or Apple, Barnes & Noble, or Kobo.

Plus, it’s the last day to get The Magician’s Curse for free. The price goes up to $2.99 tonight. If you don’t already have it, grab it now!

Get it for free TODAY ONLY on Kindle, or Apple, Barnes & Noble, or Kobo.


Hey! It’s a free paranormal romance novel!

It’s been an exciting week for a couple of reasons. One, my book, The Magician’s Curse, scored a spot on Kobo’s free page. Only six books are chosen per week in each featured category, so the ebooks have been flying off the virtual shelves!

Check it out here!

What’s really cool? I’ve distributed my book to 26 countries this week. Here’s the map.

Enter a world of dark family secrets …

Herman believes setting out to make a better life for herself will solve all her problems. Until she meets a charming, mysterious stranger on a train.

The moment Stephen Dagmar sets eyes on Herman, he knows he’s found a new assistant to join him onstage in his magic show. And the woman of his dreams.

At home in Stephen’s Gothic mansion, Herman revels in the extravagant romance he lavishes upon her. Yet a shadow hangs over their fragile love. Is his devotion really what it seems?

Amidst lace and leather, innocence and debauchery, The Magician’s Curse begins the spellbinding tale of The Great Dagmaru.

Start the journey now.

Winner of the Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewer’s Choice Award!

Do you have your copy yet? If not, today is your lucky day. Here’s where you can pick it up:

Kindle US

Kindle CA

Kindle UK

Kindle AU




And more!

Would you rather read the paperback for free? You can! Just request it from your local library. It’s available for them to buy.

But that’s not all! I have some more exciting news!

I’ve set up Book 3 of The Great Dagmaru series, The Magician’s Soul, for preorder. The book has a placeholder cover for the moment. Click here to have a peek.

Pretty ugly, eh?

But there’s a method to that particular madness. I’m having a contest next week that will be available to enter only via my newsletter. Suffice to say the contest has something to do with the cover of the upcoming book! If you haven’t already subscribed, you can join my newsletter here. Contest details will be mailed to you on Wednesday, August 19th if you sign up in time. I hope to see you there!

Now, go get your free book! Thanks for reading.


How NOT to promote your next Kindle Freebie!

It’s promotion time! Pick up Steve Vernon’s latest giveaway today and see why you need to buy everything he has to offer!


Okay – so as some of you folks know I’ve been working hard on trying to unlock the secrets of creating a successful Kindle freebie release.

I’ve wrote a bit about it HERE and HERE and – if you scroll down through my blog entries you’ll doubtless find a few more examples. I have been doing my darnedest to figure out what mystical techniques you must use to create a successful Kindle freebie release.

I’ve met with some success – but today I thought I would set up a test case to see how NOT to promote a Kindle freebie release.

I’ve set my Northern Ontario set, redneck noir novella – HAMMURABI ROAD – on for FREE today.

Go ahead and click this picture if you want to upload this book as a freebie from Go ahead and click this picture if you want to upload this book as a freebie from

I didn’t do ANYTHING to promote this freebie beyond popping out a couple of…

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Free eBook Promotion Today

Free for a limited time: Plaster Scene by Michael J. Holley! Don’t hesitate – pick it up today! And while you’re at it, support an indie author by re-blogging to spread the word!

Michael J Holley - Writer

PS Web Final MAC

The critically acclaimed comedy novel, Plaster Scene, is available to download for FREE today on Amazon. It has a 4.8 star rating, so why not find out what it’s all about.

It’s the first time I’ve ever requested a FREE promotion and I’m eager to see how successful it turns out. The promotion will last for 3 days and I hope to receive an abundance of downloads which in turn should push the book up into the realms of visibility.

As this blog is my home turf and you are my people, I’m pleading with you all to download it on to your devices. It’ll cost you no more than a few seconds of your valuable time and, in return, I promise to be grateful. Once you’ve downloaded it for FREE yourselves, you could then use up another few seconds and tell a friend to do the same.

By sharing the love, you’ll…

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